Official report from The Emergency Disaster Anim | 被災地動物情報のブログ

Official report from The Emergency Disaster Anim

In the aftermath of the great earthquake disaster of eastern Japan,

after hearing a false rumor circulating that dogs and cats housed in animal shelters

in the disaster area are being euthanized, we make the following announcement.

We understand that there is a great deal of anxiety not just about animals,

but also about the inability to make contact with affected areas,

and we ask that you please remain calm. Upon the occurrence of this disaster,

the usual protocol for euthanizing lost dogs and cats

that go unclaimed following a certain notification period has been suspended.

At the Emergency Disaster Animal Relief Headquarters,

relief and management is underway such that cats and dogs affected by the disaster will not be euthanized. This is in accordance with a decision made following the Great Hanshin Earthquake that euthanasia of disaster stricken dogs and cats is not undergone, a decision which is still in effect today.

Presently, on March 17th at the Emergency Disaster Animal Relief Headquarters,

base establishment and food delivery arrangements appear to be underway,

but the inability to secure gasoline is making progress difficult.

Fear driven purchase and stockpiling of gasoline will prevent relief supplies from reaching affected areas.

We ask everyone again to please remain calm.

This concludes the announcement by the Emergency Disaster Animal Relief Headquarters.
