Some people prefer leaning in a large class to in a small class because they can focus on studying without any interferes from the other class mates such problems of human relation. In my opinion, it is much easier to learn in a small class than in a large one with following reasons: close friendship with the other students, good circumstances in a small class, and more time to get in touch with professor.

First of all, we can establish closer friendship with my class mates, and whenever we have a question about the lecture, we can ask it of my class mates. For instance, Japanese usually take a small class at Japanese university and we can establish good friendship with our class mates. Of course, in my case, I could make a good friendship with my class mates; having some questions about the lecture, I always asked them of my class mates. In addition, I was sometimes encouraged to study harder and harder by means of talking with my class mates. Consequently, my grades were improving.

Secondly, professors can spend their times answering question from students because of less students in the class. In fact, I could get a lot of answers from my professor at my university. Furthermore, most of my class mates including me can establish a good relationship, and my professor gives additional advices about future careers.

Finally, it is easier for us to ask during the lecture due to good circumstances in a small class. When I sometimes learned in a large class, it is harder for me to ask question in a large class because I was very shy. On the other hand, I could ask a lot of question without any concerns, so I was able to learn many kinds of things from the lecture in a small class.

Considering these elements, in conclusion, it is much easier to learn in a small class than in a large one because we can establish close friendship with the other students; it is easier for us to ask questions for the professor in a small class; the professor spend more time getting in touch with students.