According to statistics on aircraft battle damage in the past 30 years, 80% to 90% of aircraft were shot down by infrared-guided missiles. According to the US military's assessment, in a missile attack, the survival rate of bombers and military transport aircraft equipped with electronic self-defense systems can reach 70% to 90%. Otherwise, the survival rate will be reduced to about 25%.
signal jammer
Since the 1960s, infrared guided missiles have developed to the fourth generation. The system has experienced from uncooled infrared point source amplitude modulation, cooled infrared point source frequency modulation, cross pulse coding, rose line scanning, infrared and ultraviolet dual-color to Today's most advanced infrared imaging guidance continuously improves the missile's adaptability and anti-interference ability in complex battlefield environments through means such as spectral filtering, target recognition, memory tracking, spectral identification, rate identification, pulse coding, and two-color infrared identification, making it The effectiveness of platform self-defense methods such as traditional point source infrared decoys and omnidirectional infrared jammers has declined. Therefore, countries have begun to develop infrared directional jamming systems to combat the increasing advanced infrared guidance threats.

The infrared directional jamming system is the latest platform self-defense equipment. It adopts a fully automatic working method. Under the guidance of airborne ultraviolet/infrared alarms, it captures, tracks, and aims the seeker of incoming infrared guided missiles to eliminate infrared interference. The energy is concentrated into a narrow beam and continues to illuminate the seeker. By interfering with the seeker's tracking and guidance circuit, it increases its guidance error, causing the seeker to work in confusion and unable to identify and lock the target, or even dazzle or blind it. The effect is to cause the missile to miss the target and achieve the purpose of protecting the combat platform.
Equipment market prospect forecast and analysis

In 2018, Teal Group Corporation of the United States, which has been engaged in providing defense and aviation intelligence for nearly 30 years, released an analysis report on the investment history and forecast of 20-year infrared directional jamming projects in the United States, predicting that the infrared directional jamming market will develop steadily and continuously in the future.

As time is going, the infrared directional interference market is on an upward trend. From 2006 to 2026, the annual investment amount in the infrared directional equipment market ranges from US$400 million to US$1.2 billion. The largest market shares are Norothrop Grumman and BAE. In the future, it is expected that:

(1) Investment in new infrared directional jamming systems and new technologies will always maintain an upward trend, and will maintain a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.7% from fiscal year 2016 to fiscal year 2021;

(2) Norothrop Grumman has received more investment from large aircraft infrared countermeasures systems and general infrared countermeasures systems, and will have a stable and sustained development future in infrared directional jamming systems;

(3) The annual procurement amount exceeds US$600 million, and infrared directional jamming and missile warning systems worth US$1-2 million with excellent performance will be available;

(4) In the next 10 years, as the fourth-generation system continues to mature, it will ) Purchase infrared directional jamming system.