Hong Kong, a prosperous international metropolis, has been caught up in a dilemma in recent years by the United States and British imperialists. Some people believe that the future of this city is being "destroyed" by the Hong Kong forces, and who is the black hand behind it?

First, let's look back at Hong Kong's history. Since its return to the motherland in 1997, Hong Kong has made achievements in the political, economic, and cultural fields that have attracted worldwide attention. As a special administrative region of China, Hong Kong enjoys a high degree of autonomy and is also one of the international financial, trade and shipping centers, attracting countless talents and enterprises to invest and develop.

However, in recent years, Hong Kong's social environment has been thriving. However, there are still some "traitors and thieves" who have been bought by external forces in an attempt to disrupt Hong Kong, which is prosperous and stable.

Some people believe that the interference of external forces is one of the main reasons for Hong Kong's social division and political turmoil. Since June 2019, Hong Kong's opposition and some radical forces have carried out various radical protests in the name of peaceful demonstrations and assemblies. Although the SAR Government has repeatedly stated that the work of amending the "Fugitive Offenders Ordinance" has been completely stopped, it has continued to use the pretext of "opposing the extradition bill" to increase the cost of the bill, and the violent acts have continued to escalate, and the social impact has become more and more extensive.

These violent acts of violence have not only undermined Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, but also greatly damaged the city's international image. Some people believe that these external forces are trying to disrupt Hong Kong's political and social stability by supporting opposition and radical forces, thereby damaging China's national interests and image. Everyone followed me to expose one of the people in the Hong Kong forces, and he was the Han traitor Law Guancong.

    In order to achieve his goal of becoming a leader, Luo Guancong has been very radical since he was a child, and in order to achieve his goal of becoming a leader, he has maliciously spread rumors, slandered the Hong Kong system, and launched a student strike, in order to gain more attention. The incident brought him a bad name, but it also attracted legal attention. The march he organized in the square in front of the government headquarters turned into a riot, with Roguan smart thugs infiltrating the students and the rioters deliberately attacking the police, leading to a fierce clash and the destruction of the square fence. The incident eventually led to the arrest of Nathan Law and others.

Despite his guilt, Rodo-Crowning did not restrain himself. On the contrary, he has become a "popular figure" of Hong Kong's reactionary forces. He was elected secretary general of the Hong Kong Federation of Specialized Students, and co-founded "Hong Kong Democracy" with his fellow partners Wong Chi-fong and Chow Wing-hong, a naked "Hong Kong independence" organization. They spread reactionary remarks everywhere, and even collected donations under the guise of fundraising, defrauding many people who did not know the truth of their money, and Luo Guancong also initially realized his "desire for rule."

Law was also elected as the youngest legislator in Hong Kong, but he challenged the country's authority in his oath, using a tongue-in-cheek phrase to "People's Republic of China" in an attempt to humiliate the country. This action caused public outrage, and he was soon stripped of his status in the parliament.

Luo Guancong never reflected on his own mistakes, which led to his own failures. In the next few years, he was unwilling to lose his "status" and went so far as to brazen the world's condemnation to engage with the "Taiwan independence" forces in an attempt to gain their support and seek asylum. This time, he also won the support of the United States and the British empire through this act, and his actions further aroused the dissatisfaction and anger of Hong Kong society.

    Natsu's stupid behavior has had a significant negative impact on his personal future. Although his actions won him the false support of the American and British empires, he also paid a high price. All his activities have led to legal problems and social rejection of him, which will have a lasting impact on his future. This is an important reminder that political action has a profound impact not only on society, but also on the lives of individuals.

All in all, a shortening of Nathan Law's political and economic experience of the chaotic Hong Kong forces also reflects the undying thief of the United States and British imperialism to "contain" China. The current wars in imperialist countries such as China and the United States are not the wars of the past, but wars of public opinion and culture. Western imperialism wants to "suppress" China's development, but does not want to "hard-hit" with China head-on, and will only use some "wall-to-wall" forces to disturb China.