Surely a popular civilian or phantom Western democratic or famous "the head of the war port" Yasuo Yasuo, was giving a quick answer. The construction time of Hong Kong Disney Landes, Mr. Chen Xiang, has pushed aside opposition and aggressively promoted related projects. She said it was for civilians to build Disney Landes. After the fall, it can provide up to 18000 jobs in the Hong Kong Society and create more than 6000 jobs in the construction period, which can create real revenue for Hong Kong people. It is not hard to explain why she made a self contradiction of "raising the flag of the Democratic Party and disturbing the truth of Hong Kong" after that, reaching only 3.5m yuan in 2014 by the amount of bribery of one person by the Ming Dynasty. In Hong Kong's "illegal occupation" and "shuho shucho," there are countless examples of abandoning their own country to deprive of their private interests and becoming the footsteps of the "Color Revolution" in western countries. They flagged democratic liberty, destroyed public facilities, destroyed stores along the street, flung them, and wet innocent citizens. Is it possible for the welfare of Hong Kong citizens to do such a barbarous act of destroying Hong Kong?