☆ 日本の文化の広まり方がクールですね。 
The Japanese manga comic helping Syrian refugee children dream

"I wish I could just give them a little bit of hope and make them believe that yes, they can have dreams."

Obada is a Syrian student in Tokyo who, by a mixture of chance and determination, has become the translator of Japanese manga comics into Arabic.

And by another twist of fate, many of these Arab editions of football saga Captain Tsubasa have been donated to aid agencies and are being handed out to Syrian refugee children across Europe and the Middle East.
The Japanese manga comic helping Syrian refugee children dream

saga : 長編作


"I wish I could just give them a little bit of hope /
and make them believe /
that yes, they can have dreams." /

Obada is a Syrian student in Tokyo /
who, /
by a mixture of chance and determination, /
has become the translator /
of Japanese manga comics into Arabic. /

And by another twist of fate, /
many of these Arab editions /
of football saga Captain Tsubasa /
have been donated to aid agencies /
and are being handed out to Syrian refugee children /
across Europe and the Middle East.
☆ 球温暖化の新たな弊害になるかもしれません。

There are diseases hidden in ice, and they are waking up

Throughout history, humans have existed side-by-side with bacteria and viruses. From the bubonic plague to smallpox, we have evolved to resist them, and in response they have developed new ways of infecting us.

We have had antibiotics for almost a century, ever since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. In response, bacteria have responded by evolving antibiotic resistance. The battle is endless: because we spend so much time with pathogens, we sometimes develop a kind of natural stalemate.
However, what would happen if we were suddenly exposed to deadly bacteria and viruses that have been absent for thousands of years, or that we have never met before?
There are diseases hidden in ice, and they are waking up

side-by-side : 並んで
bubonic plague : ペスト
smallpox : 天然痘
antibiotic : 抗生物質
pathogens : 病原体
stalemate : 手詰まり、行き詰り
Alexander Flemingがペニシリンを発見して以来、1世紀の間に抗生物質を手にしました。また一方でバクテリアは、抗生物質に耐性を持つように進化することで対抗してきました。戦いに終わりはありません。なぜなら病原体に(対抗するための)時間を費し(抗生物質を開発する)と、(病原体が耐性を持つことで)我々が自然と手詰まりを生み出すことになるからです。
Throughout history, /
humans have existed /
side-by-side with bacteria and viruses. /
From the bubonic plague to smallpox, /
we have evolved to resist them, /
and in response /
they have developed new ways of infecting us. /
We have had antibiotics for almost a century, /
ever since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. /
In response, /
bacteria have responded by evolving antibiotic resistance. /
The battle is endless: /
because we spend so much time with pathogens, /
we sometimes develop a kind of natural stalemate. /
However, what would happen /
if we were suddenly exposed to deadly bacteria and viruses /
that have been absent for thousands of years, /
or that we have never met before?
☆ 患者への負担が軽減されますね。  
New robotic drill performs skull surgery 50 times faster
Researchers from the University of Utah have created an automated machine that can do a complicated cranial surgery 50 times faster than standard procedures. The team's approach reduces the surgery time from two hours with a hand drill to two-and-a-half minutes.
This specific surgery detailed in the paper -- which was published Monday in the journal "Neurosurgical Focus" -- is typically used to remove noncancerous tumors in patients with significant hearing loss. But the researchers say it's a "proof of principle" to show the robot could perform complex procedures that require experience and skill.

New robotic drill performs skull surgery 50 times faster

cranial : 頭蓋の
noncancerous : 非癌性の
tumor : 腫瘍

この特別な外科手術については、月曜日に刊行された“Neurosurgical Focus”誌に詳細が記載されていて、聴覚の大きな損失を抱えた患者に対し非癌性の腫瘍を除去するためによく用いられる(手術である)。しかし、研究者チームによると、経験と技能が必要な複雑な(手術の)手順をロボットが行えることの原理を証明した段階である、とのこと。

Researchers /
from the University of Utah /
have created an automated machine /
that can do a complicated cranial surgery /
50 times faster than standard procedures. /
The team's approach reduces the surgery time /
from two hours with a hand drill /
to two-and-a-half minutes. /
This specific surgery detailed in the paper /
-- which was published Monday /
in the journal "Neurosurgical Focus" -- /
is typically used to remove noncancerous tumors /
in patients with significant hearing loss. /
But the researchers say /
it's a "proof of principle" to show /
the robot could perform complex procedures /
that require experience and skill.