So now because the image is in, the text wall hits up bigtime.

Here is another frog ass launchpad just like the continued obesession with Cape Canaveral - See Link here.



So, New happening have happened upon the road form Sarasota to Pensacola.  Queen Nymphae Avernales Abrosia has produced another fine interview with newcomer Scenestress Dahlia Andersson of Ystad Stjarna FM.




The interest form Sweden was a cobbled together last minute late inclusion to the show wheby Dahlia legit sent a thumb drive of a dictaphone recording and gave it to Nymphae Avernales who replied to Dahlia via Dahlia's Voicemail, After the comical lo-fi brilliance of this illuminating short interview the producers of Ystad Stjarna also managed to get a recording of Andersson's Skype call left behind in the studio desk recording, of which she left accidenally on the desktop for the Engineers to find and laugh at, so when it came time for the interview to be sewn together like a broken hotdog tied with fishing line, - Included in the interview is also the Swedes attempts at contacting and base-well extorting Nymphae, and Influence Dapper, ofcourse replying by Voice mail to a posted thumb drive recorded on a dictaphone is hipster af from the start, enough hipsters to fill whatever hipster cool notion you'd like to partake in, but yeh, INFLUENCE DAPPER found the funny side, and called the bluff, Nymphae Avernales revealing more about the project again, you can go back and listen to Interviews 3, 2 and 1 hat can be found on Youtube..on INFLUENCE DAPPER'S YOUTUBE CHANNEL.


 A bunch more blogs have been added to the internet that showcase various information on the trajectory of the project in terms of content filling data to propel the blockchain further.

More can be found by getting behind STEEM and the breaking open of the roads surface when it comes to innovators clammering to find a breathing hole among the advertorials made by Chat GPT 3.5, at this point in 2024 you still have to pay for Chat GPT 4.0, unless you know otherwise, while daydreaming of how to jailbreak CHAT GPT and others is a preoccupation the world around.

Dip your toes in some of this and ride that PONY WHILE YOU GOT IT MADE.



iN THE CARpark of a Flordia STRIP MALL outside a Chinese Buffet restaurant it IS GOING DOWN  and will go down, (as in the story, will come to light, and come to substance, and also remain, firmly in the mishapen sphere of locii.

Getting though the text will be a task, not well rewarded but it does show hat while the imaginations of AI first look astounding, that Chat GPT's imaginative uses of phrases hit rather wooden eventally when you see that its style, is stylised to be very boxed version of style.

I mean, sure it's an experiment, melding ideas with a robot, and this is what you get, but, the inputs were certainlywhat bloated the story into being.

So this is a weird stepping stone stomach of the PYTHON type dealing where the words of AI are mere clutter to devour and form a mess of once it's glued into tarmac.

So will clawed guts of not well embracing what it is certainly like to fuck with an AI beaten into banality by MILLIONS and used up like a Stainless Steel Cooking Pot Pan...................

The now is what remains of the whatever you are in now.  Many dead ends are where you know dead ends are.  The usefulness is as leftovers in culdesacs, stripped to the bare minimums of reusefulness.

The paths less travelled lead to suspicions of whereabouts and the duels of the desolate, reported by the eyes of the beholders.

Clammy, dusty held tight hard worn mud on a boot, left to hum quietly in the din of a strangers precence, and feeling out the threat with hands becoming antennae and the body held prostrate in the wind -  Will there be an issue or will they pass by.

Decisions made in the glare.