

My two weeks of working are finally over.
Even I slept so much and hadn't much time for anything else it was nice and probably more useful then sitting around and rotting away. (`Δ´)

Yesterday I hit my head. It's still hurtig. My friend said there was no lump but the area hurts too. (´_`。)

I went to Esslingen for some shopping.. Omg I spent so much time there. Also bought stuff for Okonomiyaki, but I didn't get the sauce. ヽ(`Д´)ノ I will try with something different though.

And I bought a PS2 game and omg. I would never thought I would see it here in Germany!!
It's called Shinsengumi Gunraw Den 新撰組群狼伝 and has characterdesigns by Watsuki Nobuhiro (Rurouni Kenshin).
At first I thought I bought shit again but when I tried it out it was so awesome. I love these characters!

Gah.. and.. I'm annoyed.. if I say my source is not always right then I MEAN it and one doesn't have to point it out to me so much.. ( ̄∩ ̄# why do I write warnings anyway? *lol*

I have to clean the iron.. I ruined it again. (@ ̄Д ̄@;) I hope I can clean it with the stuff I bought. Otherwise Mama will kill me. 爆弾