Hey, guys!!
I'm Blue Hawaii.

Today, I will talk about "Iginari Tohoku-San".


Iginari Tohoku-san(Japanese:いぎなり東北産)
is a group in Tohoku.
"Iginari" means "very" in Tohoku.
(This is dialect)
"Tohoku-san"(東北産) means "made in Tohoku".
Almost fan called them "Tohoku-san"

There are nine girls in this group and all member lives in Tohoku.
The oldest girl is 17 years old and the youngest is 14 years old.

(They like Rakuten Eagles )

Tohoku area is a local.
It means It is difficult for local idol to be popular.
Especially, Tohoku is far from Tokyo.

They call their birthplace "○○san"(○○産)
For example, the people from Miyagi prefecture called "Miyagi-ken-san"(宮城県産)
The people from America called "America-san".
"san"(産) means "made in".

The Members of Tohoku-san call their fun "mina-san"(皆産)

Tohoku-san has started since 2015.
In 2017, they won "the young lion cup".
This cup is for not major group.  
Because of this title, they were more popular group.
But now they are not major group, so we can only get their CD in Tohoku.
(But I live in Kyushu ww)


Their live is too funky.

They threw the pilow, they play a fake violin in their live.

We enjoy this "crazy live", and the beginer can enjoy them from first time.

(The pilow fly)


Next time, I will introduce a member.

And please go to  their Wikipedia from this URL

See you next time!!

〜Blue Hawaii〜