I learned so much today ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
-How to conjugate Desu
-Wa and Ga particles
-This and That
and How honorifics are used ~!

So proud of myself.

I will continue doing my best in studying~!
ごめんごめん ><”
I apologize for not studying yesterday or today at all ; Been doing alot of shopping recently. God knows why and i loose track of time easily ガーン
Forgive me? にひひ


Today was really fun . Bought tons of rings and other types of jewelry and finnalygot some shoes to go with my dress for the ceremony.

Well im a bit tired..
(* ̄Oノ ̄*)

So I said i would use this blog to track my progress in japanese didnt I ?
Well so far today i covered:
-More Hiragana
-Starting to learn Particles
-and how to use 'です’properly^^

Well minasans~
I have to go to the mall today so ciao for now