



Ishigai campus is a school which is made with combination of elementary school,junior high-school, and high school, which is also small size.It is the rural campus in the edge of St6, has the old and small building, has broad ground only,is used to provide dwellers with the most appropriate evacuation area if some disasters occur. All of dwellers gathered in the broad ground loudly, including Itase.Itase stayed in the location as usual, in the time as usual, on the form as usual.His behavior remains unchanged. Simply the disturbance coming from the crowd
around him added kind of discordance to his world as usual.
“I never thought that bored emergency drill is of help to us”
Itase felt like taking it easy on the situation.In this day.
All-school assembly is opened first thing in the morning.
At first, ward mayor explained the general present situation to dweller. ”That is, as our coping with this problem, as tranquil as we can,We will suggest calm coping so that dweller will not be anxious about this condition,and……”Following that, principal of the Ishigai campus explained the situation to dweller.“As approach that this campus cope with situation, this campus will provide the people dwelling in St6 with all of the building and the site of this campus.You students need to behave in a moderate way as a representative for this campus”
It seemed that station authority could not grab correct condition, had difficulty in
conferring with campus. As time went by, clamor began to arise from students.It seemed that the soldier who come out of St7 alive only has a little correct information.It appeared that, at first, St6 station authority had a faint hope that were sure that
they could escape from this crisis if they received information from the soldier who come out of St7, and if they took

countermeasures against the problem on the basis of the

information.The soldier who came out of St7 went up on stage, grabbed the microphone.“I saw a bright shape of human. Then, swords were launched in the air.At this time, nothing can I inform clearer than this information”“About countermeasures against the object, as far as I know, there is no way cope with it. Anyway, if you should encounter it, please manage to escape from it.Moreover, please prepare yourself mentally. Rather, please be prepared against mortal things”the ground began to be covered with larger clamor.“That is to say, it means there is no way. Well, I feel grateful about giving the correct information to us. But, that way causes anxiety rather than calm. What do you think of this situation? Itase”A person who called the boy is Tanago Taibara, who is the friend of Itase since junior-high school.