How to Join and Lead Gangs

One of those games where you can pretty much choose whatever job path you want is BitLife. Our BitLife Mafia tutorial will be very helpful if you want to dabble in the illegal side of things.


You should check it out on a playthrough because joining the evil side in BitLife gives up a tonne of unique morality routes and choices.


We explain how to join the Mafia and lead gangs in our BitLife Mafia guide, along with the several gangs that are accessible and how they vary. Additionally, we'll discuss how to get to the position of top BitLife mafioso as well as how to escape the cycle of the crime if your moral character suddenly changes.


If you want more BitLife, we also offer instructions on how to successfully do a BitLife jailbreak and all the information you want on BitLife God Mode or how to become Godfather in BitLife. Additionally, we may use the Genshin Impact and AFK Arena tier lists!


What is the BitLife mafia?

As you are probably well aware, BitLife is the contemporary version of the traditional text-based life simulator. Practically every job route is open to you, including some that involve working against the law. If you're a less dedicated professional criminal, you may generate money by robbing people, breaking into their homes, and embezzling cash.


If you wish to live the BitLife criminal life, you may also join a full-fledged gang. These organized criminal gangs will turn into your character's full-time profession since they are completely devoted to violating the law. Being a gang member obligates you to commit serious crimes and provide the group with your illegally obtained wealth. You then receive a portion of the profits in return for the group's influence and accessibility.


You may get access to greater authority and wealth by committing increasingly egregious crimes to get the gang's leader's attention. This is the best thing to join the mafia and lead gangs. You may occasionally be asked to carry out mandatory crimes for the gang, such as scaring a witness or obtaining kickbacks. 


If you finish them, people will respect you. If you don't do that or provide little sums of money each year, your standing inside the gang will be in jeopardy. You could even be requested to kill a target, which would greatly increase your standing among the group. To avoid being detected, balance your offenses carefully since they may attract more police attention.


How do I join the BitLife mafia?

As you might anticipate, becoming a member of the BitLife Mafia is not an easy task. These organizations won't take any regular people into their organization, so you'll need to be entirely committed to a life of crime.


  • Make sure you've first committed a significant number of offenses. It doesn't really matter what crimes you do, so we advise choosing something lucrative but somewhat low-risk, like grand theft auto.
  • Once you reach the age of 18, which is the legal requirement to join a gang, commit at least five offenses. Don't stress about finishing them all at once; they may be stretched out over a number of years. Wouldn't want to take a chance on the cops finding out, right?
  • Visit Jobs > Special Careers > Arrange Crime next.
  • You may pick which BitLife Mafia organization to contact from here. Less well-known groups are typically simpler to join.
  • You need to choose a strategy to grab their attention, which might involve anything from driving gang members to asking them for favors. Fortunately, it doesn't really matter which one you pick.
  • The gang will give you a post, often at the Associate rank, if you've been effective.
  • If not, try again in a few years and continue the process by committing additional crimes.

What various BitLife mafia gangs are there?

There are six distinct gangs to join in BitLife. Follow these six mafia gangs in BiteLife and became a gang leader. Despite varying degrees of fame, they all generally play the same. As a result, your advancement inside the more dangerous gangs will earn you greater respect. The six BitLife Mafia groups are listed below, ranked from least to most reputable.


  • Russian mafia 
  • Italian Mafia
  • Yakuza
  • Irish Mob
  • Latin Mafia 
  • Triad 

In BitLife, How to Become a Mafia Boss

Become a Mafia Boss in BitLife

You must join the mafia in order to become a Mafia Boss. To check if a character has a gun next to their name, create a new one. If there is, your character has a criminal aptitude. Although you don't need this to join the mafia, it will be useful to you later. 


Once you've created your character, let them get old enough to access crime in the Activities menu. Commit small-time crimes up until your character reaches 18 to get the attention of the game's numerous organized criminal syndicates. Shoplifting, burglary, bank robbery, and grand theft auto are some examples of less serious crimes. You can either comply with the arrest if you are ever caught by the authorities or you can close and reopen the BitLife app.


Up to the character's 18th birthday, let them age. When they do, enter the Special Careers and select your preferred criminal group. You will begin as an Associate when you first join, but you will have the chance to advance. The tiers you must climb through in BitLife to become a Mafia Boss are listed below.


  • Associate
  • Soldier
  • Caporegime
  • Underboss
  • Godfather/Godmother 


The best and most effective method to advance in the mafia is to commit more crimes. Your main goal is to earn as much money as you can while growing your reputation. Typically, you'll engage in criminal activity like bank robbery, grand theft auto, and extortion to easily raise money and attract the attention of your superiors. 


Furthermore, if your superiors ask you to carry out certain tasks or attend events, accept the request without hesitation. Without asking any questions, you may win favor and increase your chances of getting promoted. You will eventually rise through the ranks and, depending on your gender, become the Godfather or Godmother.


How do I take control of the BitLife mafia?

You could even wind up being the Godfather if you commit more crimes and advance in the BitLife Mafia. As you might think, this is the top level in any organized criminal gang, and it also comes with certain benefits. 


You won't be required to give the gang money and you won't face threats if you don't. It will, however, significantly raise your blood pressure, so be careful to counteract it with some relaxing activities.


Unfortunately, you cannot hire new members or direct them in any way. Instead, it's just more of the same with a more impressive title. It should be emphasized that becoming a Godfather is a very difficult procedure that calls for many years of crime and a good deal of luck.


You'll have to pray that the people in the existing hierarchy retire from their positions at a young age, either by death or police action. Otherwise, you shouldn't be surprised if you never reach Godfather status.


How to Become a Mafia Boss in BitLife: Tips and Tricks

While accomplishing all of this will greatly increase your chances of moving through the ranks during the course of your character's life, the following are some additional pointers to bear in mind:


Set the amount of money demanded extorting money from businesses. Whack the owners out if they object. You won't get the money, but you'll gain a lot more respect and reputation.


Try your hand at train robberies! Despite how hard it is to schedule, if you are successful, the benefits are enormous. In your local time zone, 4:20 or midnight are the most convenient times. A time skip will result in the death of your character, so be careful not to do it! Successful robberies can result in an immediate promotion the following year.


Never request a promotion! Asking for promotions nearly always irritates your superiors, which significantly reduces your prospects of success in the future. But you must consistently put in hard effort every year, just like in a normal career.


Make others look like rats. When you correctly spot a rat, your reputation and connections with other mafia members will improve. However, be careful while doing this because improper exposure will have negative effects. These tips are very helpful, If you follow this guide you will join the mafia group and also become a leader of the gang.