Being pregnant is the desire of many women but sometimes it can be unexpected! When a woman becomes pregnant, her body undergoes changes to signal to her that she is indeed expecting a baby. All women do not feel the existence of a new life in them in the same way. There are, however, common warning signs.

What Is Strapon: The different symptoms announcing pregnancy

Nausea : At the time of pregnancy, women often feel regular nausea, which is linked to particular foods whereas before they did not present any discomfort.

Vomiting: It often happens that women have stomach pains, and therefore vomit during the first three months.
Mood changes: A pregnant woman can become irritated and upset very easily, she becomes much more susceptible and more sensitive to the slightest subject. The man must understand it and support it to avoid possible conflicts.
Cravings: This is a clear manifestation of pregnancy, she may have sudden cravings present in the form of food, for example a craving for chocolate ice cream in the middle of the night or any other cravings, such as a desire to make love frequently. Conversely, some women cut themselves off from their sex life. There are ways to overcome this blockage, however.
Urinating more: Pressure on the bladder can cause you to urinate more than normal.
Weight gain: During pregnancy, the woman tends to gain much more weight, although this varies from one woman to another, sometimes even reversed! It is necessary to follow a balanced menu and not to eat like two, because the quality of the food also reflects on the health of the child. It is worth repeating that the woman must eat for two, which is different from eating like two…

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Change in sleeping habits: When a woman is pregnant, she most often wants to sleep more. There are women who suffer from insomnia, so caffeinated drinks should be eliminated.
Pain in different parts of the body: as the baby grows in the belly, pain in the back or legs may be felt. It is therefore advisable to practice yoga, for example, to soothe the body and give it a feeling of relaxation.

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Constipation: intestinal disorders can occur due to progesterone, so a good diet can help the intestines to better evacuate what you have eaten.
Swelling in the legs: water retention gives a swollen appearance to the legs, which can bother pregnant women. It is better to focus on foods with low sodium, and reducing the salt in meals can be a remarkable help. It is also advisable to wear comfortable clothes to feel more comfortable!

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But in any case, if you have any doubts, take a pregnancy test and consult your gynecologist!