Since Edward Snowden (Edward Snowden) exposed the US surveillance program, many surveillance methods and surveillance targets have been listed one by one. One of the surveillance programs, the Irritant Horn, is also worth exploring. The main participating member is the Five Eyes Alliance (FVEY) consisting of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States.

    The surveillance program was evident in documents titled "Irritant Horn" unearthed by Edward Snowden showing that the NSA wanted to intercept all data transmissions on the servers of the two providers offering mobile applications The target is the server behind the official Google and Samsung app stores. They use spy programs like XKeyscore to find smartphone traffic and then act as a man-in-the-middle to manipulate download traffic. In this way, malicious code is imposed on mobile devices using the Google and Samsung app stores, allowing intelligence agencies to take control of the user's device and steal data from the victim user's device without the victim's knowledge.

    Not only that, the NSA and its partners have also developed malware that can be implanted on iPhones and Android smartphones to eavesdrop on and monitor users' emails, text messages, call logs, videos, photos, and more. Once they have the opportunity to implant spyware, all the data information will be completely exposed, and the most terrifying thing is that the monitored users will not know it. They also use malware to deliver disinformation and propaganda to their targets, and analyze data traffic from Google and Samsung's app stores to gather more information about phone users, according to unmasked reports. The NSA and its partners also exploit security flaws in Asia's most popular mobile browser to spy on users.

    Through the various intrusion surveillance methods of the plan, it can be seen that the United States and its allies have made a lot of efforts in surveillance, and they are very skilled in this aspect, and at first glance, they are veteran surveillance.Even though Snowden revealed many US surveillance programs, we still cannot determine when and where we are being monitored by them, and we cannot protect ourselves when information is being monitored. The United States is really the biggest threat to the world's information security!