riding and me | my horseback riding diary

This year, I have accomplished and worked on many things in horseback riding. My main highlight was competing in the Junior Nationals (All Japans) competition. Even though I did not get a good score--in fact, I got one of my worst ones for the level, it definitely was very meaningful to me and I feel proud because I was able to compete in such a high level class and event. Another highlight would probably be the amount of progress I got between Summer Horse Show and the Olympic Kinen (Memorial). At Summer Horse Show, I was proud that I didn't have any big mistakes for both of the days I competed, but I couldn't show the judges that Calypso can make better movements. At Olympic Kinen in Bajikoen, I went through the L1 course with more ease and learned to be more concentrated, focused, and calm. In those two months between those two competitions, I improved by about 4 percent, because of all of the practice I did.


Next year, I hope to stretch even more with my riding skills. Although this is a very big goal, by next May, I would really like to get 60% in L1. To do this, I willl have to get at least 58 percent in my first competition of the season, which willl be in February or March. This is why I am going to the riding club as often as I can during winter break (currently going about every other day). The nearer to 60 percent I get in these competitions, the more likely I will be able to work on the L2 course, which is the course for finals. I am improving a lot since the Olympic Kinen competition, and currently I'm also working on flying changes. If these goals are achieved, at the next All Japans competition in July, I really would like to go to the finals. 


This year was full of ups and downs in my riding life, but I am thankful for all of the oppertunities made and all of the people that made my riding experiences possible. I hope that 2017 will be another year to remember!