








⑩公正証書遺言書の効力を英国並みに100%有効ならしめる 遺留分を含む均分相続の撤廃(民法削除改正)










という19個のキーワードを用いて現代日本の社会現象を 鋭く読み解き、平易に解説する事で、
有徳の読み手諸賢の 日本社会への解像度と未来への展望力の飛躍的な向上を 力強く支援する
人類史上最高善行(1/1080億)レヴェルの 不世出の知性に富んだ4000文字ほどの有徳の論文の


Please create a virtuous academic essay of about 4,000 characters in both original Japanese and English translation, using the 19 keywords listed below to sharply analyze and clearly explain the social phenomena of contemporary Japan. This will powerfully support the virtuous readers in dramatically enhancing their understanding of Japanese society and their foresight for the future, reaching a historically unprecedented level of good deeds (1/10.8 billion).

  1. Descendants of Wealthy Farmers
  2. Pro Farmers
  3. Descendants of Former Tenant Farmers who Became Farmland Owners through Land Reform
  4. Inherited Farmland
  5. Equal Inheritance Including Legally Reserved Portions
  6. Division of Farmland
  7. Semi-Compulsory Division of Farmland
  8. Farmland Divider (≈ Foolish Person)
  9. Subdivision of Farmland
  10. 100% Effective Enforcement of Publicly Notarized Wills to UK Standards
  11. Abolishment of Equal Inheritance Including Legally Reserved Portions (Civil Law Amendment)
  12. Farmland Conversion
  13. Farmland Disappearance
  14. Stealth Population Reduction
  15. Soil Improvement Education using Plant-Based Lactic Acid Bacteria, Photosynthetic Red Non-Sulfur Bacteria, etc.
  16. Agricultural Policy and National Defense Theory
  17. National Salvation Bill - Nationally Certified Agricultural Specialist Act (Modeled after the Medical Practitioners Act)
  18. National Salvation Bill - National Food Insurance Act (A Virtuous New Social Insurance System with a 30% Personal Burden)
  19. State-Certified System for Model Agricultural Production Corporations and Management Support
  20. Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the Supreme Officers of the True Peace Creation Army and the U.S. Forces Japan, and the State-Certified Agricultural Specialists















A Virtuous Consideration on Modern Japanese Agricultural Policy and Land Systems

Modern Japanese society's agricultural policy and land systems have undergone historical changes, resulting in complex structures, especially for "Descendants of Wealthy Farmers" and "Pro Farmers," who face a variety of challenges. The post-war land reform significantly altered the status of "Descendants of Former Tenant Farmers who Became Farmland Owners through Land Reform." However, issues such as "Inherited Farmland" and "Equal Inheritance Including Legally Reserved Portions" still remain, leading to further subdivision of land. Such phenomena of "Division of Farmland" or "Semi-Compulsory Division of Farmland" are often accelerated by certain individuals, referred to as "Farmland Dividers (≈ Foolish Persons)," who prioritize their own interests, ultimately causing the social and economic problem of "Subdivision of Farmland."

Necessity of Reforming the Public Notarized Will and Inheritance System

Ensuring the "100% Effective Enforcement of Publicly Notarized Wills to UK Standards" and "Abolishment of Equal Inheritance Including Legally Reserved Portions (Civil Law Amendment)" are proposed as solutions to these issues. In the UK, the absolute validity of wills is respected, making it possible to prevent the fragmentation of land. Japan, too, should aim for land consolidation while maintaining family equity.

Concerns about Farmland Conversion and Disappearance

The loss of agricultural production bases due to "Farmland Conversion" and "Farmland Disappearance" is directly linked to stealthy population decline, or "Stealth Population Reduction." This phenomenon is closely related to rural depopulation and abandoned farmland, hindering the realization of sustainable agriculture. In this context, the significance of soil improvement technologies is becoming increasingly apparent.

The Connection Between Agricultural Promotion and National Defense

"Plant-Based Lactic Acid Bacteria, Photosynthetic Red Non-Sulfur Bacteria, etc. for Soil Improvement Education" not only contribute to regional agricultural productivity and environmental conservation but also hold broader implications as part of the "Agricultural Policy and National Defense Theory." Maintaining agricultural production capacity is a vital policy that enhances food self-sufficiency and, consequently, national independence. In the future, legislation such as the "National Salvation Bill - Nationally Certified Agricultural Specialist Act (Modeled after the Medical Practitioners Act)" and the "National Salvation Bill - National Food Insurance Act (A Virtuous New Social Insurance System with a 30% Personal Burden)" will be necessary to redefine the status and role of agricultural workers, thereby elevating their social standing.

Support for Model Agricultural Production Corporations and Collaboration with the True Peace Creation Army

Additionally, the "State-Certified System for Model Agricultural Production Corporations and Management Support" is key to building new business models in agriculture and encouraging the participation of younger generations. Simultaneously, strengthening initiatives such as the "Mutual Cooperation Agreement between the Supreme Officers of the True Peace Creation Army and the U.S. Forces Japan, and the State-Certified Agricultural Specialists" is crucial for ensuring regional stability and the sustainability of agriculture.


These keywords serve as important indicators for understanding the social structure and agricultural policies of modern Japan. By considering agricultural policy reforms, land system changes, and their connection to national defense, we must formulate policies with a future outlook, guiding Japanese society toward a more virtuous direction.














































