I was working with an art JUST NOW and this little boy came to me and saw the colors in front of me (btw, it's color pencil) he keeps on reciting the color names until he grabbed one and started to use it. The bag went empty 笑い泣き

Since i shared it with a friend, i guess i'll leave it here for future reference てへぺろ

I got クマくん from a friend when was 3 months old and estimated that his birthday was March 27, 2015. They are 10-12 pups but only 2 of them has this kind of fur, one is brown and one is black (and that's クマくん). 

He was bullied once by her siblings and one of his sisters bite him, that was feeding time. He was gone after that then I saw a trail of blood. I followed it and got inside my friend's kitchen (she was the owner). It's a dark afternoon and what I'm looking for was also dark 笑い泣き I used a flashlight and found クマくん at the back of gas tank, crying and healing alone. I saw where's the blood coming from, it's from his nose because of the bite.

After a few days, I bring クマくん to our house. Since he's a baby back then, he has a lot of tick so I covered him with a cloth bag. Of course I don't hold it like a bag. (i'll draw it someday) during our travel, I did not noticed that he's sleeping already.

クマくん and boss, the cat.
🐻 🐯

Now, クマくん is 5 years old already.
If I remembered it clearly, it was around end of February to first week of March 友達に『絵を描いて、その絵をプレゼント上げます』と約束した。

It took me 2 months to plan because I actually don't know what to do キョロキョロ それに、32時間ぐらいを描きました。

I found out that my friend (i'm not sure either if I understand it very well because of our language differences but I guess it's something like that) was fond of farm because the place was at peace.


水彩画あ、a3 size
The brush that was about to retire.....was it too soon?? ガーン

But i'm not yet done with your last piece!! えーん

Please hang in there a little bit.

This post is to say "thank you" for the people who commented on my finished arts. 

So i was reviewing my past pictures and I happened to encountered this screenshot. 

022020. Comment from "holy 3-in-1" via facebook

2019. This was "nami" and I showed her some of my arts. She was amazed. I'm not sure how "delicate" it was but thank you.

042020.I did not expect to see this as my friend's background. It was a little awkward because I'm not used to it but at the same time, proud of myself that he liked it. Anyway, I did it as per request. So thank you.

to fly is to be free.


あの日のように 変わらぬように



I used solely color pencil for this 9x12(?) art



this drawing was actually my friend's idea おねがい

...but fell asleep at the middle of brainstorming えー

.......so I wrapped it up alone and create my own set up  笑い泣き



Extended Enhanced Community Quarantine Day 30+ 

Everyday is a challenge.
Everyday is dangerous.
And it's all because of the virus and other serious issues like war, release of nuclear bombs, etc

It's not just me who wants to escape and go to a place where there is peace.

I tried 2 different mediums. One is watercolor and one is mixed crayons and color pencil.



I wonder if I can literally went inside my imagination. I can but to go personal is an impossible dream ショボーン

Let's go and escape!!

April Month is also known as fools month but this month's moon cannot fool us.


it is actually big and PINK!!!


in my camera, I captured 3 colors; pink (with orange shade), light pink, and white depending on how my camera captured it.


it is actually cloudy today but I'm still blessed that this moon say HI to me.


NOTE: i just went outside to check and I don't see this moon anymore because the clouds are so "thick".

I saw this moon this late afternoon. 

I think the moon was dressed today before flying?

Or...is that Tinkerbell who accidentally pour out her magic powder? ガーン

I am broken.
I experience pain.
I was bullied.


I am not weak.
I am strong.
And they don't deserve it.

I don't care to be judged by someone.
I know my worth.
I know myself.
I love myself.

Don't expect to be loved, if you don't know how to love yourself.