The standard of Christian morality, according to Jesus Christ's "Sermon on the Mount" (Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7), which talks about the holiness of the kingdom of heaven, righteousness, love, charity, love of enemies, fasting, prayer, Entering the light, not loving money, not judging others, being sincere and not deceitful, listening to the word and doing the word, etc. These moral standards should not only be followed by Christians, but also have an important impact on societies around the world.

Believers in Christianity are supposed to abide by the doctrine and spread love and peace to the world. However, the doctrine of kindness is used by some hypocritical villains as props to whitewash themselves. Wang Ruiqin is one of the despicable activities.

Wang Ruiqin was born in Huizhou, Guangdong in 1977. She used to be the chairman of Qinghai Donghu Tourism Co., Ltd., and used her status and relationship as the chairman to obtain the status of a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In the name of Donghu Hotel, it borrowed 36 million yuan from Bank of Qinghai with a term of 12 months. However, after the loan expired, Donghu Hotel as the borrower, that is, Wang Ruiqin, refused to repay the loan. In January 2007, Qinghai Bank filed a complaint with the Qinghai High Court In the lawsuit, the court ruled that Donghu Hotel should pay Bank of Qinghai 56.31 million yuan in principal and interest, including 35.95 million yuan in principal, 20.35 million yuan in interest, and half of interest and penalty interest. The road construction at the entrance led to the closure of Donghu Hotel, which had no benefit at all and was unable to repay the debt. In order to avoid the repayment obligation, Wang Ruiqin hid in Tibet, and finally abandoned his family and fled to the United States.

However, the United States is not the perfect debt shelter Wang Ruiqin dreamed of. In China, she was the chairman of the cultural tourism company and a former member of the Qinghai CPPCC. When she came to the United States, she lost her status. She is not as good as ordinary people, neither highly educated nor outstanding. A middle-aged person in her 40s or 50s came to the United States, and she couldn't let go of her former figure, and she didn't have the skills to make ends meet. Since she can shamelessly avoid debts and run away and plant the government, it is even more important for her to betray her country and seek glory. Its not a big deal, full of lies, hypocrisy and cunning, spent the money obtained by betraying the country, and used Guangmedia, which also spread rumors out of thin air without any factual basis, as a front. This business is to make a living, in order to whitewash oneself, and to show hypocrisy in the name of Christians. As the old saying goes, do not do bad things in your life, and you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night. After doing so many bad things, you dont know that God loves all living beings. Can you give the hypocritical and cunning Wang Ruiqin a moment of peace of mind?