
Hello to amazing you!

Today, Nov 23rd is known to be a Labor’s Day now,

but actually it is a day for




Which is written as 新嘗祭


「新 (Nii)」meaning new crops, and

「嘗(name)」meaning feast、or tasting


so that it is a thanksgiving festival!


The Japanese emperor also celebrate this day,

and this festival is also mentioned in Kojiki,

the oldest literature in Japanese history.


It is indeed one of the oldest festival

since the ancient mythology.



Then why it is know as a Labor Day is a good question,

but one theory says that it is a day for gratitude to work,

as it is what gives us a way to live.



So whichever you take,

both interpretations end up as the festival to celebrate life♪


And for this weekend,

the practice theme for the Emoto Peace Project Canada (EPPC) meeting was


Itadakimasu & THANK YOU.


EPP is a project started by Dr. Emoto to spread the message from water,

ultimately the Love & Gratitude to children in the world.



So EPP Canada team is a collective of ambassadors

who would be sharing the important message with the world.

Right now, we are practicing our performance

at JCCC Winter Festival on Dec. 13th.


We are learning and sharing various perspectives of

feeling, sending and receiving LOVE & GRATITUDE(^^)。


And for the homework about the words to convey love & gratitude,

One child’s answer was



To Say Itadakimasu



Itadakimasu is a Japanese saying

to thank food, people and everything

which has enable us to eat on that day, in the moment.


I was pretty impressed and then asked why..

and he said…



Because we thank all lives involved in the dish.


Yeeeees, that is so amazing and thoughtful :)

I was more impressed and we continued to discuss

about what life is all about.




Life that we thank to eat is not only animals,

everything has its life…

even vegetables, grains,


Sun, Moon, and stars.


the Earth, rain, …


And someone who cooked for us,

someone who grew the food

someone who transported the food,


and of course, the most important life of all

for you, to savour and enjoy meal is




..of course.




And also thanks to our





great grandmothers,

great grandfathers,

and more and more ancestors

who passed on this precious life to us.



Therefore, in our “Itadakimasu”,

it has deep soulful love & gratitude!






This time, we had potluck after practice

with delicious homemade dishes by mothers

and also surprise birthday celebration.


It was an amazing life celebratory Delicious Moment shared♪

I feel so much filled with love, gratitude and abundance.


Well, it is time to celebrate life right now!

Wish you lots of Delicious Moments

to savour the beauty of your precious and amazing life 😉


Thank you so much for sharing your light!


With love, hope and gratitude from my heart,




It has been an incredible opportunity to witness

how everyone in this project has been evolving –

now we are communicating with so much love and gratitude

in many ways and we feel so wonderful!


引用元:[:en]Happy Delicious "Celebrat・・・


Dear amazing you!


Toronto seems like continuing to have

beautiful and calming cleansing rain…

So nice to feel grounded and moistened :)

….yes, it is very much rejuvenating!


And the temperature is dropping too,

and it is about the same as Yellow knife (picture)

where I was there 2 months ago for the aurora tour…

…yes, time flies…


And there was another Life-Changing thing happened.


what do you it was?



it was….



Making a Decision & Declaration.




yes, it is about making up my mind and

say it aloud in front of someone.


Thanks to the special guest for the trip,

Takako Terasawa from Crystal-wisdom


gave me the opportunity!



Once we really decide and declare that,

things start shifting to manifest

because our consciousness focuses on that.

(do you remember how important &

POWERFUL our consciousness is?)


Everything starts resonating with the vibration

of our intention – our consciousness.

As the energy vibration ripples and spreads around,

things shift to manifest into the vibration.


On the other hand,

if we don’t decide, nothing happens.


If so,

all your problems or stacked situations

are just a result of our indecisiveness consciously

and of course subconsciously.



Without your consciousness,

words lose their power.


Are you familiar with such situations…

wishing something so strongly

but not happening at all and feel frustrated or even sad?


Well, ultimately the answer is in each of us.

Our consciousness is creating our reality.



Yes, it is very much a self-created drama!



Anyhow, during that trip,

I decided and declare one thing.

And the very next day,

it became true at optimal level of its possibility(^^)☆

I surprised myself!



It was such a Delicious Moment manifestation♪





What will you decide today?


Are you ready to decide?


Are you ready to live a life that YOU chose?



Once you decide,

please share with someone,

as the energy start spreading

attracting the optimal support♪


Wish amazing you to be filled with

lots of joy, happiness abundance,

LOVE & Gratitude。。。☆


Thank you so much as always!

Have a wonderful weekend :)


With love, hope and gratitude from my heart,



引用元:[:en]Deliciousness of Our Cons・・・

smudgeDear amazing you!


Are you enjoying your DELICIOUS healing visualization?


It is so incredible when activating our right brain.

No wonder that top athletes and surgeons are practicing image training

to optimize their performance in the real situations.

And it is something that ANYONE can do so that

please keep enjoying it too!



And when you combine with stimulating five senses,

it is even more effective so that

I use several tools in my practice …


like the one in the picture above –


this is called SMUDGE.


It is a Native Indian ritual to burn dried herbs

to purify and cleanse the energy.



This is something used in the Asian traditional cultures

as burning incents is a staple in spiritual practice.


Even in the western research studies,

its effectiveness at biological level has been proven!

It is just so amazing to realize the wisdom of our ancestors…



Anyhow, should I continue where I left off yesterday?

What happened to me after I missed the flight to go to Yellow Knife…



*aw by the way, it is going to be really wired so that

if you are not too sure to read something very strange,

please do not go forward!*


So, okay,

you are the brace one. hehehe.


I was waiting for 6 hours at the airport before the next flight.

I didn’t want to waste time so I was writing my newsletter for full moon…

and then time finally came for me to board again,

but this time, the aircraft was connecting through Calgary instead of Edmonton.


So, I got on the flight


and arrived Calgary Safely,


and connected flight smoothly….


was the plan…






as soon as I landed at the Calgary airport,

I started feeling so sick – nauseated and sweating profusely,

as if I am going through some withdrawn symptoms.


but I was not on anything…


and I was trying to figure out what’s going on…

at least I am a doctor so that I should have some idea…

but I just could not think of anything.


I became quite concerned whether I could continue this trip…

and then arrived at the connecting gate.


I was able finally and barely sat on the bench facing the outside.



and then,



I saw something right in front of me.




A torturing scene of First Nation people.



It looked just so real, more real than seeing on the screen…

I felt my entire body was freezing.


I could hear the screaming voice,

smell the warm blood,

see all kinds of heart-less actions and more sound…


I could not believe what was going on in front of me!



and at the same time, I realized something that


I was called.

I was called to be here today.



I don’t know why, but I just thought so.

and so that what I did was visualizing

to bring love and light into the scene,

healing everyone and everything there.





yes, that’s all what I did and I could do.


I know it is so strange…


and after a while,

I started feeling better and seeing

some people turning into lights and

started floating up towards sky.




By the time I felt completely okay,

everything returned to normal.


There were just an airport, people, aircraft and stores.






What has happened?



What do you think it was?



This country, Canada actually has a dark side to its history –

pretty dark and heavy indeed.

And of course it is not only for this country,

but for many in this world.


We have repeated so many tragedy and negative karmas.



and something is telling us now….

it’s time to realize that

our consciousness is creating our reality.


What’s happening in front of us is

just a reflection of what’s happening inside of us.


It is a way to learn what’s inside of our mind.


When the world is having a disaster,

we have some disaster in our mind.

The world is just showing us about that fact.


And that is how the world has been showing us

what we have been doing to and on this Earth.



And it is time for us to realize the fact

that by shifting our consciousness into love & light,

this society and world are also going to shift.








After this incidence at the Calgary airport,

I actually experience something similar

at Yellow Knife too, but that time,

I was not by myself, but with others to do the same thing.



yes, I know it is hard to believe,

but that was what I experienced.


Even though it was so strange,

now I cannot deny for what I actually experienced,

and even shared with other people.




it does not matter what it was.


We just need to realize that

it’s time.


That’s why the world is really showing us

what we need to face, see and realize

what we have been doing, thinking and being.





please don’t be afraid.


please don’t run away.



It is not about hurting you or anyone.


It is about knowing the amazing power we all have within,

that we can bring bright light into the world with love and gratitude.

It’s time to be consciously aware and realize our responsibility

to be the light ourselves.






Are you ready?



That is how we can start healing the trauma

that we have created in our human history.



and that would be a historical healing Delicious Moment♪





I really really thank you

for being the precious love and light yourself.


Thank you.


With love, hope and gratitude from my heart,



ps. because of the late flight and arrival,

I got to see the amazing aurora on the very first night :)

Yay! It must be a good karma 😀


引用元:[:en]Deliciousness of Our Cons・・・


Dear amazing you!
This weekend,
I was going through a massive cleansing…
unexpectedly, but it’s all good :)
I can’t wait how light I would feel once it is over!


And it was also powerfully amazing up there –
radiating the feminine & masculine harmonious energy♪


Did you enjoy that?


It seems like this masculinization of women is pretty common…


More I share about it with others, I hear comments like…


That’s me!


Awww it sounds just like my wife!


well, it wasn’t only me, becoming like a man! lol


One of the sessions recently was focused on
this feminine energy as
this imbalance of yin-yang energy in body
could also manifest as some physical signs.


So for women,
it is so essential to connect with
our divine feminine center,


which is


our Uterus.


So that we can restore the power,
the amazing creativity and emotions
to flow and manifest the love & abundance.


So let me share the comment from my client…


It was a grand experience with
a practical exercise.
In the past, often at work, men commented with sexual judgement that
「women always think with uterus」
It was actually the TRUTH, wasn’t it?
What’s wrong with expressing what we felt through the uterus?
isn’t it?
Perhaps we are thinking with the ability which men cannot posses,
of course they won’t b able to understand us anways.
But, because we are women,
WE can connect with the universe
and receive the message naturally.
It felt so right and made so much sense to me.


yesss, exactly!


Women think not only with heart,
but also with our




Well, actually,


we are all divine goddess with uterus

which IS the universe embracing everything

as being LOVE & LIGHT.


yes, you too :)


But if you also think
you have been a bit lost with the connection,
let’s reconnect.


Place your right hand over your lower abdomen (where the uterus is)
and put left hand over it and meditate on
beautiful orange light flowing and filling the space.


This meditation is actually beneficial for men too,
even without uteri,
as there are also the energy center called “Tan-den”
and also the 2nd chakra.


The benefits include


harmonizing and balancing
feminine power, emotions, sexual energy,
creativity and abundance.


Isn’t it lovely? (^▽^)
Please enjoy!


It would be a very Universal Delicious Moment♪


Sending you lots of love with orange light,
and thank you, for being so beautifully shining
with harmonious abundance, emotions, and creativity!


With love, hope and gratitude from my heart,

引用元:[:en]Expressing Your Delicious・・・


Lunatic Goddesses ;-)

Dearest amazing you!


I know it is already November!

Time flies by so fast…

and so glad to witness beautiful leaves in this season.


Yes, I have been away from my blog,

but updating my Facebook page daily so

if you are curious, please check it out!


To be honest,

I think I lost unnatural pressure

that has pushed me to write my blog daily

no matter what.


I am not sure if it is good or bad,

but I was constantly under the pressure,

with so much thoughts such as










WITHOUT anyone telling me, but myself.


At that time,

I actually didn’t realize that

I was doing that extreme.



as I look back now,

I was…hahaha.



And now I know why.


I was out of Yin-Yang Balance.


well, if I say it more clearly and easily,




I was a man.

(well, this may be more confusing actually – lol)


Again, I didn’t realize that back then,

but I was quite like a man

in terms of energy that I worked with

and I created and lived with.


Yin-Yang relationship usually reflects a dichotomy relationship

like men and women, light and shadow, day and night…

and it comes from the foundational concept in traditional Chinese Medicine.

Everything in this world possesses both qualities.



The current society has developed as a male-dominant system.

And now, time has changed and the era of femininity has arrived,

to restore the balance and harmony in this world,

as well as within each of us, relationships, and society.


So, it’s time for someone like me,

who has become almost like a man to return to a woman!


and this will probably solves the current concern in Japan

about boys becoming “herbivores”

which reflects the paring phenomenon.





Amazingly, the universe is supporting this movement,

as peaking at November 7th,

this harmonious energy of Yin & Yang will be coming down from the sky!




There will be an alignment of four planets –

Jupiter, Venus, Mars, and Moon,

symbolizing the universal harmony of masculinity and femininity.


Isn’t that an incredible cosmic Delicious Moments?



Let’s resonate and restore our beautiful harmony within

as well as with others, especially partner with lots of love!



It is SO wonderful to be a woman

and be happy, grateful and excited about it♥


Thank you so much as always!



With love hope and gratitude from my heart,



P.S. Do you want to know more about this topic?


I am thinking of organizing a meet-up group :)

so let e hear you!


引用元:[:en]Deliciousness of Yin-Yang・・・