Hanaのブログ -6ページ目

I´m Back! Or something like that XD

so, I´ve been absent
blame college for that (?)
I don´t know what to say xD
I have a horrible headache so I can´t sleep
I will introduce my twin brother to you
my twin´s name is ryuki LOL It has been a while since the last time I saw her owo

Día de muertos

I look as weird as always XD
I did my make up as the "Catrina"
I really really love my country and our traditions ドキドキ

6 days~

I am soooooooooo excited!!!! asdasd (?)
and I love korean food (?) xDDD I don´t know what can I say~~~
I will only say that Super Junior are my Superman ドキドキドキドキドキドキ
They are my favorite group in the world, they are amazing and I love them, they sing and dance and... OMG I will be on my fangirl mode if I keep on talking about them XD I can´t believe that I will go to a Super Show yet! ドキドキ It´s like a dream, in six days, I will go to a Super Show! I think I will be very nervous...
I need a bubble tea (T▽T;)

I think I´m addict to those thing ;O; Bubble Tea is delicious (≡^∇^≡)
And this is also delicious xDDD
I like Pororo´s design, is so cute! OwO and really, the juice was so delicious -rolls on the floor- I want some more xD
and... god, I won´t ever finish nicely an entry xDDDDD