"We demand that you revoke wholesale halloween costumes and production of a Caitlyn Jenner costume for Halloween," wrote Vincent. "With a reputation of sexist, racist, and culturally appropriative costumes, we are concerned that this costume will continue your oppressive tradition with a transphobic costume of Caitlyn Jenner ... To make a costume out of a marginalized identity reduces that person and community to a stereotype for privileged people to abuse. In this case, if you follow through with production of a Caitlyn Jenner costume, cisgender people will purchase it to make fun of her and our community."

The swimwear manufacturer China was just a hair away from reaching its goal of 7,500 signatures. A representative for Spirit Halloween told the New York Daily News that the costume was not a mockery of Jenner.

"Caitlyn Jenner has proven to be the wholesale swimwear real-life superhero of the year, and Spirit Halloween is proud to carry the costume that celebrates her," said Trisha Lombardo.

Not everyone is buying Lombardo's explanation, and the costume has since been pulled from Spirit Halloween's website.

Twitter users also decried the costume. Esquire magazine tweeted: "Don't be that guy with the Caitlyn Jenner Halloween costume. Don't."