We are children of time, no matter in time or in time. It takes us deeper and walks forward shallowly, bringing us joy and joy, and it also brings us pain.


I opened my closet and was taken aback. I don't know when, the clothes will basically become dark, with a solemn desire, even if there is a little color, it is biased towards the dark and cloudy color.

I was never the simple style before, how bright and bright my clothes were. Bright red, dazzling yellow, verdant green, and playful powder, worn on the body, exaggerated.

I do n’t know when, I slowly fell in love with plain. Every time I buy clothes, it seems that only gray, black, and blue are in my eyes. The texture of cotton or linen is simple, low-key and restrained with a strong power.

喜欢 I like this feeling. It is like wine that has been preserved for many years. Slowly tasting it, it tastes its mellow taste.

This should be what life is like.

The taste is the same.

Favorites with strong taste before, Fanta, Cola, Sprite. Grumbling, drinking, a hearty and happy. Today, my favorite things are very light things, boiled water, green tea, scented tea, and white tea. With a faint sweet or bitter entrance, I feel that the days have passed by so quietly, very beautiful and very good.

Delight in the taste, this is the gift of time.


Some women are hot and sensual, greasy and boring; some women are like A4 paper, with plain specifications, they ca n’t say what is good, but they are not good; some women have self-confidence and vigor, I think everyone around is shorter than her. Everyone has to turn around and follow her. Some women have nothing but money, and there is only one thing to spend in life-buying clothes, doing beauty, using brand names, spending a lot of money, but still empty, lonely and boring.

I like women who are plant-like, and I have a sense of chastity in the long years. Love flowers and grass, love authentic life. The posture was not fluttering, and the eyebrows were clear by themselves.

My girlfriend Mi Min is such a woman, like a simple flower, with a clear growth posture, not popular, not following the current, nor too small, not unhappy.