外国人向け料理教室 COOKING CLASS IN ENGLISH  野菜中心、糖質レスで糖尿病予防の薬食同源クッキング

外国人向け料理教室 COOKING CLASS IN ENGLISH  野菜中心、糖質レスで糖尿病予防の薬食同源クッキング

Japanese Home Style 薬食同源 Cooking Class in English
not only for staying fit but also for preventing diabetes!
(薬食同源 Yakusyoku dogen:A healthy diet will do as much to keep you well as good medicine)


(野菜中心、糖質レスで健康的、ダイエット、糖尿病になりにくい体質をつくる薬食同源クッキングクラス 薬に頼らない食材の薬効で糖尿に良くて美味しい和食)

Japanese home style 薬食同源 cooking class in Tokyo

Are You Ready for a New Sensation?

If you are, go for Japanese 薬食同源 Cooking Class in English, not only for staying fit but also for preventing diabetes!

(薬食同源 Yakusyoku dogen:A healthy diet will do as much to keep you well like good medicine.)

This class is designed for foreigners who wish to stay fit, prevent diabetes, lose weight and learn Japanese popular home cuisines using a simple method in English.

About the lessons:

1) Japanese traditional and popular home cuisines instructed by a friendly Japanese cooking instructor in English. The process is simple for each dish, approximately 30 minutes.

2)Total cooking time; 2 to 3 hours including tasting.

3)Price; 8000 JPY (real class), 4000 JPY (online class)

4)Seasonally arranged traditional cuisines. 一汁三菜 dishes( Ichijyuu sansai; 1 Miso soup, 3 dishes(main and sub) and a bowl of rice) per lesson. Feel the traditional events with seasonal cuisines. A cup of green tea(Macya) and traditional treats will be prepared and served after cooking.

5) We use fresh and tasty ingredients to keep low blood sugar level such as fish, vegetables and herbs that are unique to Japan. We offer tips for lowering blood sugar level, such as the type of food and sequential eating.

6)Demonstration of making Japanese soup stock(Dashi) is performed in each lesson. Japanese soup stock(Dashi) is a fundamental element for all Japanese cuisines.

7)Private and small group lessons with a friendly atmosphere by a native Japanese at a cozy house.











It is fall in Japan. Chrysanthemums (Kiku) are pretty in the autumn.

We sometimes eat Kiku flowers with Sashimis as decoration, 

boil them with other vagetables. 

Find those in supermarkets.

They are good medicines for soothing of imflammation,

improving blood circulation.