The Golden Compass (2007)

The Golden Compass

New Line Cinema

Dakota Blue Richards and Ian McKellen as the voice of Iorek Byrnison in "The Golden Compass," directed by Chris Weitz.

Movie Review | 'Atonement '

“Atonement” is an almost classical example of how pointless, how diminishing, the transmutation of literature into film can be.

A Misdirected 'Compass'

'Golden Compass'/New Line Stephen Hunter has a hard time staying awake in "The Golden Compass ": "As a manifestation of first-rate movie design chops, 'The Golden Compass' is splendid for several seconds at the beginning of each new scene. Of dramatic virtues, however, it is notoriously miserly, managing to be dull and confusing at once ."
'The Golden Compass': National Showtimes
Holiday Movie Guide

A Dazzler From Any Point of View
'Atonement'/Focus Features Ann Hornaday adores Atonement ," which does a beautiful job of translating Ian McEwan's novel into cinema: "[Director Joe] Wright ... proves to be as much a master of his medium as McEwan is of his, using the full cinematic palette of sound, image and performance to create a film that works both as a heady, old-fashioned wartime romance and as a subtle, almost postmodern meditation on narrative, truth and the by turns treacherous and consoling power of art ."
'Atonement': National Showtimes | Trailer
Profile: James McAvoy

Movie Review | 'Atonement '

“Atonement” is an almost classical example of how pointless, how diminishing, the transmutation of literature into film can be.