This is my first entry for my ameblo so i will like to explain the main purpose of it.

My name is Ricardo, i am a 31 year old guy whi has been trying to live his life as he has been thougt every single day. Not anymore, i dropped my job trying to follow my own wishes, and one, the most important, and the main theme here, is moving to Japan. I will like to study music, more languages and lots of stuff, so maybe i will go random from time to time.

Idol, anime, food, pets, music and adventure lover!

I have kept being lazy since i quit my job about 2 months ago, and that needs to change, i have debts to pay they are on the way to my main goal. I need to change that...

I resd something interesting today, it had to do with all the depression and negativity stuff so it catched my attention (i think i am in a small hole right now), it said that a good treatment for these ills, is "thanks giving". Not eathing turkey or anything close, is about thinking on the good things you have.

Thanks giving for what you own.
Thanks giving for who you have.
Thanks giving for being yourself.

I will like to try this exercise so, i will keep thanking about everything.

Thank you for this liberty i am having right now, thank you Andrea for keeping a smile every time for me, and i thank me for letting me start this, for caring about myself.

Not the best entry today, is quite late here and i need to get some sleep. I will try to keep updating as much as possible.

Summer 2017 is the deadline...