
How are you?

Wow, September...
Time goes by so fast!!
(I've already said so but...I'm always surprised about that(^∇^))

Few months ago, I wrote about two idiots who came near my house to cut tree's branches too long, they were SO idiots...these jerks has cut the cable of our telephone line. During 4 days, no telephone, no internet.
It was so annoying...(-з-)

This time...

Since few days, guys make pavement in front of my house, and yesterday, they broke cable of telephone with their mechanical shovel.
A part of my town had no phone, no internet.
This time again, I had no phone, no internet.
But guys who work near my house didn't do it on purpose, of course the jerks who cut tree's branches and telephone line didn't do it on purpose but...they have to be very stupid to cut a cable, they can't see the difference between a branch and a cable?
Anyway...everything is okay now!!ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

But, there are some people who love to cut our telephone line...

unn, I am too lazy to check if I made grammatical mistakes so...sorry for my bad english!!(^▽^;)

Now, it's time to send peta!!('-^*)/
