
How are you?

France weather => 38 C° in my town.
WTF?!! It is TOO hot!!(。>0<。)
I woulld like to take shower every hour!! hahaha

Okay, title of this entry blog is '1Night, 6 Spiders'
Yesterday night was TERRIBLE for me.

I've already said so but I HATE spiders!!!!!
Name of this hate, fear is arachnophobia.

I know, spiders are useful but I can't...CAN'T live with them.
They run so fast and they are so ugly (my opinion hahaha)
I would like to stay relax when I see them but...I ALWAYS become crazy...(^▽^;)
And, last night...6 spiders in few was too much for me, so I cried(≧▽≦)
Why they run near me?
The house is not big but not small...they can run everywhere but not when I am here!!

Scary night!!(ノω・、)