Hello everybody♪
Bonjour tout le monde♪

How are you?

Hope you all are fine!!

Today's weather is good but, it's still cold.
Of course, it is winter!!

I would like to send peta but I have no time.
Now, I have to cook.
Well...I think I am not a good cooker but I'm still alive hahaha

Tonight, I hope that I can return peta!!

Anyway, thanks to always send peta!!

Have a nice day / night♪('-^*)/

How are you?

Hope you are ALL fine('-^*)/

This blog was created in May 2008.
I really love it and I would like to write more.
But, I am so busy and tired...・°・(ノД`)・°・

I really feel sad.

Hope it will be better soon.

Anyway, thank you for peta!!

I will try to send peta as soon as possible♪

This entry is not interesting.
I understand if you don't want to read it hahahahahahahaha

Everybody, have a nice day♪




I wish you the best for the New Year 2012!!!!!

Love, Luck, Happiness, Good Health and more...ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

Have a nice day & take care of yourselves!!


音譜ベルクリスマスツリーMERRY CHRISTMAS♪クリスマスツリーベル音譜

unn, I don't write a lot here...
I have to write entries, not everyday, but...sometimes, I have to update this blog(^▽^;)

Anyway, thanks to continue to send peta!!!!!

I am busy now, but I will send peta back(*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆


Hello everybody?

How are you?

It's so cold here, in France...(´_`。)
I think I've caught a cold...shit...

Anyway, take a look of this Flyer ダウン


12月15日 大塚REDZONE
12月21日 六本木morph-tokyo
01月16日 渋谷O-EAST
01月26日 大塚REDZONE

12.15 RED Zone
PEAK HOLD(from大阪) / Re:stSky / M.B.K. / JuiRock
OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00 ADV. ¥2,100 / DOOR. ¥2,500

12.21 morph tokyo
福田友里恵/一穂/KOIKE JOANNA/りえちょ/satoshoko/JuiRock
OPEN/17:30 START/18:00 ADV./\2400 DOOR/\2900 (D別)

Wao wao wao...JuiRock will have 4 LIVES!!!!!

I want to go to these Shows!!!!!o(TωT )

If you can go to these LIVES...please, do it and enjoy the LIVES for me!!!!!о(ж>▽<)y ☆