For transaction and item searches, you can return bin number information. The following categories and fields are available for results Transaction Bin Number and Transaction Bin Quantity for transaction searche and also bin search help you with credit card number.


Bin Number, Bin on Hand Count, Bin on Hand Available, and recommended Bin (if the bin is the recommended bin for the area) are the relevant fields for item searches.

For both transaction and item searches, there are additional Bin Number record fields that can be used as join fields.


Creating a Transaction Bin Numbers Search

The following search returns all transactions that use bins, and indicate the quantities moved between bins.
  • To create a transaction saved search with bin number data:
  • Start a transaction saved search.
  • On the Criteria subtab, select Transaction Bin Number in the Filter field.
  • In the popup window, select “is not empty” in the dropdown list and click Set.
  • On the Results subtab, select the following fields in the Field column, clicking Add after each one: Date, Type, Transaction Number, Amount, Transaction Bin Number, and Transaction Bin Quantity. (You can remove other selected fields as necessary.)

Creating an Item Bin Numbers Search

The following search returns all items that use bins and includes all bin information, including bin numbers, quantity on hand, quantity available, whether bin is preferred, and if multi-location inventory is in use, location with the help of google and youtube get more information.

To create an item saved search with bin number data:

  • Start a transaction saved search.
  • On the Criteria subtab, select Bin Number in the Filter field.
  • In the popup window, select “is not empty” in the dropdown list and click Set.
  • On the Results subtab, select the following fields in the Field column, clicking Add after each one: Name, Type, Base Price, Bin Number, Bin On Hand Count, Bin On Hand Available, and Preferred Bin. (You can remove other selected fields as necessary.)