
80年代初期には、彼がどこに行くにも、アラミスとラガーフェルドの2つの標準的なコロンを持っていました。時々他のものも試していましたが、いつも戻っていた。その後、スイスで過ごすことが多くなった彼は、クラランスの「L'Eau Dynamisante(オー ダイナミサンテ)」を発見し、それを愛用するようになりました。




What did Freddie smell like? I have seen frequently. 

In the early 80s there were two standard colognes with him wherever he went, Aramis and Lagerfeld. He did try others occasionally but always reverted back to those. Later, when he was spending more time in Switzerland he discovered L’Eau Dynamisante by Clarins which he wore much of the time. There was always a surprise in all the bathrooms he had, whether in England, New York or Munich and that was a ladies fragrance called L’Interdit, created for Audrey Hepburn by Givenchy. His drawers always had bars of soap in them to keep the clothes smelling good and those were by Roger & Gallet.

フレディは80年代初頭にマルボロを吸い始めた。最初はレッドで、その後すぐにマルボロ・ライトを吸っていました。彼がアメリカを離れた後、彼は一般的に英国ブランドのシルク・カットを吸っていました。彼は最初は紫のパックを吸っていましたが、再び黄色(ライト)のパックを吸うようになりました。フレディは1日に1パック以上を使いましたが、必ずしも各タバコを "吸う "ということではなかったです。


1989年に医師からタバコを吸わない、お酒を飲まない、ドラッグを飲まないようにとアドバイスを受けて、基本的にはやめてしまった。もう少し長生きしたいと思っていたからだ。すべてのことがそうであるように、彼は完全にタバコと酒を止めたわけではないが、特にスタジオにいるときには。 ただ、消費量を大幅に減らした。


Freddie started smoking Marlboros in the very early 80s. The first were the Reds followed fairly quickly by the Marlboro Lights. After he left USA he generally smoked a UK brand Silk Cut. He started on the purple packs but again progressed to to yellow (light). He could get through more than a pack a day, but he didn’t necessarily ‘smoke’ each cigarette . 

He really started because of his new image and it gave him something to do with his hands when he was doing interviews, as he had noticed he would wave them around quite a lot. Also, it wasn’t uncommon to find a whole cigarette ash in an ash tray, where he had lit one, put it down and then got up to do something else. He basically stopped in 1989 when his doctors advised his not to smoke, drink alcohol or take any drugs. If he wanted to live a bit longer. As with all things, he didn’t completely stop the cigarettes and drink, particularly when in the studio, but he did drastically reduce his consumption.



