Someone asked if Freddie used to watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I was present once when he watched the film, which he liked, but he very much preferred the stage show which he saw quite a few times in Chelsea when it first opened. He had a few friends involved in it, Tim Curry amongst them, so was always happy to go and see them ‘at work’. I remember the first time I saw it, I was sitting next to the catwalk that stretched the length of the stalls, so I knew it would be featured during the show. What I wasn’t prepared for was Tim Curry’s entrance striding down it in high heels, fishnets and bustier. I heard a commotion behind me, but by the time I turned around, there he was, almost at the stage!




そのショーに関わった友人がいて、Tim Curryなどがいて、彼らの仕事ぶりを見るのが好きでした。 最初に、それを見に行った時に、屋台をちょっと伸ばしたくらいの長さのCATWALKの隣に座っていて、ショーの間に登場させられるのではないかと思っていました。 準備できていなかったのは、ハイヒール、フィッシュネットとビスチェでTim Curryの入口で歩くことでした。 私の後ろで騒動が聞こえたので、振り向いたら、フレディがもう少しでステージのところにいました。


The question of Freddie and anxiety has come up a few times. I would never say I saw Freddie really anxious, except the first time he met Montserrat Caballe. From the time he woke up that Tuesday morning he appeared nervous, which, as I said, wasn’t something I had seen before. Of course, there were some nerves before the biggest shows,  S. America, Live Aid, the ’86 Wembley shows, but never pacing his hotel suite, chain-smoking cigarettes and constantly doubting that Montserrat would arrive at the hotel for their meeting. Normally Freddie would always calmly walk into a meeting ten minutes late, this time he was in the luncheon room at ten minutes to one, for the meeting at one pm. Montserrat had not arrived by five minutes after one o’clock and Freddie had me at the door, open a crack to keep an eye on the main entrance. Within seconds, the crowd in the lobby parted and Montserrat was walking towards the room. The first thing she did was apologise for the traffic which kept her from arriving on time. Freddie’s nerves changed to excitement and the afternoon progressed well.


フレディが不安にかられていた、ということは全くありませんでしたが、唯一の例外は、最初にモンセラ カバリエとあった時です。火曜日の朝、起きた時から今までみたことがないくらい、フレデイは緊張していました。もちろん大きなライブの時、南アメリカのコンサートや、LIVE AIDE,86年のウエンブリーなど緊張していましたが、ホテルのスィートの部屋で、そんなに緊張していて、タバコを立て続けに吸い、本当にモンセラはくるのだろうかと何回も疑っていました。


数秒後に、ホテルのロビーにいた人達が道をあけ、モンセラがそこを歩いてきました。 彼女が最初にしたのは、交通機関の遅れによって、時間に間に合わなかったことを詫びました。




