Description :

cenforce professional and Viagra, have the very same active component, which is sildenafil citrate. Sildenafil professional 100mg is an oral medication, which is available in the form of round shaped pills which are film coated and blue in color.Getting straight to the point, cenforce professional is a drug that is akin to Viagra and as such, it is used by adult men to treat erectile dysfunction.Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a pandemic disorder which has affected a considerable number of the male population who fail to erect their reproductive shafts.Hypertension is an ailment which is caused by high blood pressure— often causing severe heart attacks and strokes.Each problem is the result of reduced blood flow in the blood tubes.

How does it work at Cenforce Professional :

The role of this particular neurotransmitter is to acts as a bridge between the brain and the penis. As it sends the message about sexual stimulation, the brain responds by erecting the penis.sildenafil Citrate being the parent works by improving blood flow to the penile and relieving the arterial clogging. This makes it easier for the man to erect in presence of complete sexual stimulation.Cenforce Professional 100mg is classified as a PDE-5 inhibitor and is an oral drug that is usually taken half an hour before you expect it to work.This drug works by increasing the level of cGMP which further increases the flow of blood that flows to the penis of a man. This drug is known to stay effective in the human body for about 4 hours.

How to Take Cenforce :

buy cenforce Pillsonline is a PDE-5 class medicine, and it works as an inhibitor as it causes the blood flow in the penile vessels and relaxes the tissues. One, who is experiencing from ED difficulty should take Cenforce 100mg pills as a prescription drug, and it should be practiced orally with a full glass of water before 30 to 45 minutes of friendship.Do not take more than one dose every 24 hours. It cannot be taken at the same time as other medications used to treat male erectile dysfunction problems. You should not take It with a high-fat meal, because it can commute the effectiveness of the medication. It does not protect you from squally transmitted diseases.

Cenforce Professional Dosage :

cenforce professional pills is formed in a unique sublingual form for treating penile failure. The pills has to be consumed by placing under tongue; it then gets dissolved along with the body temperature. As soon as it gets dissolved, the medicine is mixed in blood flow for starting its action mechanism.

  • Overdose:

This medicine has to be consumed orally without plain water. Cenforce Professional pills should be consumed one at a time. Over dose of the tablet should be strictly avoided.

Side effect :

  • Seeping of the eye
  • Obscured vision
  • bone pain
  • Bosom expansion
  • inconvenience relaxing

Warning :

If your experiance prolonged or painful sex 4 hours or more pending intercause, contact immediately. This tablet does not protact any kind of STD (sexual transimmited disease) at a time use condom.Chest pain, heart stroke or attack like situation, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, vertigo, renal diseage, low blood pressure (Hypo tenstion)  infrom consultant and go for regular checkup.Before starting this treatment tell your medical history if you have any kind of surgery or any other disease.Cenforce Pro do not consume while taking alcohol or other bevrages like caffein medicines. Do not drive car and bike, also do not oprate any machinery.

Storage : 

Store the cenforce vocational at room temperature in dark, clean and dry place. Be assured that the tablets are not damaged while purchasing.


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