Have you been looking for a way to make money online without having to know much of the internet stuff? Wanting to work at home but don't know how to do it? Here is the key gem: Between all the tricks on joining the craft beer movement, opening a gallery or being a tour operator, you will find clever advice that anybody can apply to make money online quickly.


The most basic way to make money online is through affiliate marketing. It is really easy. Basically you set up an ad for someone she is selling something and when they click through and buy it, you make money! Simple enough if you have no technical skill at all. Here are some simple tips on how to earn using affiliate marketing:

Drop-shipping is one of the most useful methods. You select a product in which you believe there is a demand and then drop-ship it to your customers in small quantities. You make money from the difference between what the stock costs and what you sell it for. For this method, it is important to note that you may need to make space for your inventory on your premises or perhaps wait until you have a build of an inventory before you can start drop-shipping; but the advantages make it a good choice for those seeking to make money online from their spare time.

Paid surveys are a great way to earn some extra cash. These can be accessed easily and there are many sites where you can get paid from spending your spare time. There is one site, though, which is said to pay $200 a week for twelve weeks straight - you can't beat that kind of money making potential. With paid surveys, it is important to note that the sites are generally scams, and that you need to do some research to ensure you are making good money making opportunities.

Finally, a passive income generating method that can bring in money on autopilot is eToro's Forex trading. This works by allowing you to invest on a demo account and earn money from the performance of the currencies being exchanged. The best thing about this system is that it allows you to do virtually anything and still see profits coming in. eToro has an average starting price of less than $50 and can generate an income of five figures in just a few months.

These are the best things I have found for making money online from your home. Though none of them are as good as, say, a paid-online course, they are much more affordable and can provide a valuable education to start earning money immediately online. With just a little research, you should be able to find a legitimate opportunity to get paid to learn the basics of making money in the currency markets. This is a truly remarkable opportunity.

Every beginner to forex trading is itching to get in the game and make money as quickly as possible. Still, careful consideration needs to be given to funding your first trading account.

As with most things that offer a substantial reward, your attitude around making this decision matters greatly.   Many traders just want to get started already! And so they start with a small balance that were they to lose it, the pain wouldn't be too great. Thing is, the disappointment if things go bad can be enough to stop the aspiring trader in her tracks. It's a sad fact that many new forex traders give up at this point, before they ever have the chance to experience any success.

So how much money should you add to your first trading account? Everyone knows that a mere $100 can get you an account with many forex brokers. Sometimes less. But who are we kidding? It's nearly impossible to parlay $100 into the kind of income someone interested in FX trading is envisioning.   And starting with so little also means you may get careless and forget that even this small sum is money that you or someone close to you has worked to earn.

Over trading or trading outside of the system you learned and know are real temptations that can wipe out your account faster than you can say "Spot." And if you lose most of your money you have zero chance to make a profit. Not to be entirely negative, there is a chance you could make money, too.   Even so, what you want to be doing here is tracking your trades so you can determine if your trading system of choice is profitable for you. So sticking with your system, and using an account balance that feels real to you, are important.

The amount of money you realistically need to start may be more than you were thinking. Sure you can open a $1000 account, but if that's your entire available investment, it's better to begin trading micro lots to limit your risk. It would really take the wind out of your sails to lose your full 1K on day one.

Though it will take some discipline, it would be in your better interest to save and start with at least $10,000 and open a mini account. A read more standard account that requires at least $100,000 to open  would obviously be ideal, though not as practical for most beginning individual traders.

If you are forced to start small, the most important thing to take away from this short forex trading tutorial is this: remember to begin your trading with micro accounts, track your trades with care and stick with your chosen system to determine if it's worth scaling up or not.

Oh, and remember the words of Warren Buffet who said there are only two rules in investing:

Rule #1: Don't lose money Rule #2: Don't forget rule #1