


343 Industries has provided an amend on its Halo 4 DLC absolution affairs amidst now and the end of February.

The collapsed said this ceremony that the Majestic Map Haversack will absolution in astern February alternating with a appellation update, and that it will affection two baby maps and one medium-sized map (more abstracts can be actuate here).

The DLC is reportedly set to barrage on February 25, and is accepted to be followed by the Castle map haversack on April 1.

Posting on Halo Waypoint, 343 aswell arise tentative absolution dates for three new Spartan Ops missions, which will bang off the added bisected of the analysis of beforehand DLC and be accompanied by multiplayer playlist updates and Specialization unlocks.

Week of 1/21Spartan Ops Episode 6: 5 new missions and an accompanying new CG cinematic."Forge Test" playlist (name not final): A rotational alembic featuring baby Forge maps such as Relay. Admonition us analysis these maps by accouterment acknowledgment and advertisement bugs that will abetment us in accepting them attainable for Matchmaking!Specializations: Pioneer and Pathfinder Specializations afar for all players.Week of 1/28Spartan Ops Episode 7: 5 new missions and an accompanying new CG cinematic.Grifball playlist: A rotational alembic featuring everybody's admired basic sport. Bolt the disease!Specializations: Architect and Stalker Specializations afar for all players.Week of 2/4Spartan Ops Episode 8: 5 new missions and an accompanying new CG cinematic.Team Doubles playlist: A rotational alembic for those of you that like activity of the 2 vs 2 variety. Specializations: Rogue and Tracker Specializations afar for all players.
Halo 4 was the accountable of our latest 'How Fast Can You Die In...' video, which you can watch here.