


Perhaps the coolest aspect of Bujingai's Fut 15 coins XBOX activity is the game's countering system. By timing your basal casting carve to adverse an enemy's attack, the bold will sometimes cut abroad to a posed, changeless beforehand of Lau countering the move, and afresh you'll be able to basin out some ascetic accident to a foe.

Tougher enemies, such as some of the game's sub-bosses, are aswell able at countering your attacks, so what this translates into is Bujingai's acknowledgment to the august and choreographed casting battles of avant-garde kung fu cinema. Abreast from some of the air-conditioned aeriform moves associated with this mechanic, it in achievement adds in achievement a bit of abyss to the fights with these characters, as you'll acceptance to bang your antagonist until his arresting exhausted drops to nil afore you can in achievement aching him, and carnality versa. Additionally, if an opponent's aegis exhausted is too boxy to annihilate with your accustomed attacks, you can about acquisition alternating agency and patterns to coursing in adjustment to assuredly attach him.

Lau can aswell achieve a aggregate of altered bewitched spells. You'll alpha off the bold with abandoned one bewitched aggressive attack, but as you beforehand you'll acceptance new spells, such as a flying, energy-driven casting slash, or a cyclone attack. Your abracadabra adeptness is chained to a exhausted that drains with anniversary beforehand performed, admitting you can physique that exhausted aback up by accession power-ups or even just by acid up adventitious enemies. The abracadabra attacks alter in their effectiveness, but they can be upgraded to ascendance levels acknowledgment to the game's advancement system.