Holidays in the sun  mania our life -46ページ目

UPM 焼酎ナイトゲーム@高鍋 宮崎

がっつりサーフィンの後はやっぱり酒?!という事で夜の高鍋焼酎ナイトゲームへ!今回はULTIMATE PLUGGING MACHINE友草さんのスペシャルガイドで夜の高鍋へ!
宮崎をベースに大物を釣り上げる日本のランカーハンター!世界記録サイズのヒラスズキやオオニベをルアーで釣り上げるスペシャリスト!Daiwa モアザンブランジーノや ZIP BAITS、雑誌や釣りTVでも数多く活躍中の日本のスーパーアングラーです。。もちろん、ローカルサーファーとも交流のアツイ波も知り尽くしたサーファーでもあります!!!!!
Holidays in the sun  mania our life宮崎サーフで釣り上げられたこれぞ史上最大のオオニベ!!!(写真お借り致しました)

Holidays in the sun  mania our life


Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life


Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life



Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Waimeaにて。。 @HAWAII

Waimeaにて。。俺にはまったく無関係な(笑)BIG WAVERの聖地!脇田プロのWaimea チャージも凄いですね!滞在中に丁度、スウェルがヒットしておりました!!

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

桜と菜の花満開@西都原古墳群 宮崎


Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life


Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life


Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life
Holidays in the sun  mania our life

FM COCOLO 765 ステッカー

いつも心地よい音をお届けしてくれるFM COCOLO 765。。
サーフィン帰りにご一緒したFM COCOLOの企画担当の方からステッカー頂きました。企画の方ももちろんサーファーでいい感じです!

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life



Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life



$Holidays in the sun  mania our life

$Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

地鶏のたたき@清武  宮崎

宮崎に来ると行動のタイミングでここ 肉のなりまつ へ!!

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Holidays in the sun  mania our life

Cafe & Bar OHANA @高鍋  宮崎

サーフィンとお酒と高鍋をこよなく愛しロングのプロトライアルにも参戦のごっちゃ~んさんが経営するお洒落なハワイアンスタイルのCafe & Bar OHANAさんへ!

Holidays in the sun

Holidays in the sun


Holidays in the sun


Holidays in the sun


Holidays in the sun

Holidays in the sun


Holidays in the sun


以前に発売されたRICOHの代表的なカメラ GR DIGITAL Ⅲとstussyのコラボモデル

Holidays in the sun

Holidays in the sun

Holidays in the sun

Holidays in the sun

Holidays in the sun


Holidays in the sun

2010.4.14 (WED) - 4.25 (SUN)
11:00 - 20:00 (火曜日休館)
リコーフォトギャラリー RING CUBE
東京都中央区銀座 5-7-2 三愛ドリームセンター8, 9階(受付9階)03-3289-1521

コラボレーションモデル"GR DIGITAL Ⅲ × STUSSY"を2010年2月に発売したことを期に、STUSSYと交友のある10名の写真家によるSTUSSY x RICOH GR DIGITAL III: ARTIST PROJECTがFEATUREにて掲載開始されました。 RICOH は、「気軽にカメラを持ち歩き、気軽に撮影した写真 を大切にして楽しむ」ということを、"Candid Photo文化" と位置付け、これを支援するための活動を行っています。

今回の写真展は選ばれた10名の写真家がGR DIGITAL Ⅲで撮影したCandid Photo 作品 約50点を展示するものです。写真家達は、GR DIGITAL Ⅲを何処に持ち歩き、何を撮影したのでしょうか?写真家の視点とGR DIGITAL Ⅲの組み合わせが生む10名の自由な表現をお楽しみください。


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Holidays in the sun