


JavaScript to create just 10 days, the name is to better promoteJavaScript In addition to providing a non-severe developers can use programming language, also provided by the Java developers such static typing go to an alternative dynamic type. But now Mozilla are pushing Asm.js, turn JavaScript back to the static type. The first day of Modern Web Assembly also co-founded by the parent Mozilla Foundation, JavaScript Brendan Eich first person kicked off the first keynote speaker 'Javascript at 20 Years'. He said he spent only 10 days in 1995 to develop the Javascript, JavaScript reason for using the Java these four letters entirely on marketing considerations, by the Java's reputation so that more people noticed JavaScript. Brendan Eich JavaScript wanted Air Jordan 18 at first glance like Java, but in fact they are completely different and Java. JavaScript and Java One big difference is that the type, Java is statically typed, which means that at the time of writing Java code, developers need to define the types of variables, and JavaScript is not required, which makes the JavaScript in the development of more Flexible easier. But this is fatal to JavaScript, so the efficiency of dynamic typing JavaScript affected. So Brendan Eich mentioned, and now Mozilla push Asm.js, is compiled subset of JavaScript, JavaScript drag this framework to limit the effectiveness of the original grammar, but precisely in order to solve this problem, so Air Jordan 1 the efficiency of the implementation of JavaScript to achieve the same with the Bytecode. Brendan Eich in his speech, Nike Shoes showing off two by the support Asm.js Unity Air Nike Air Presto Jordan 3 Retro and Unreal game engines that create 3D games, the last execution efficiency limits its use JavaScript on the page, but because Asm.js, like the game that kind of compute-intensive and performance-oriented applications can be executed on a web page. Brendan Eich mentioned that his design in addition to providing a non-JavaScript programming language with severe developers can also be used, but also provides developers with the static forwarding dynamically typed languages ​​to choose from. Only now Asm.js, turn JavaScript back to the static type. Brendan Eich used to describe the structure of the solar system JavaScript, one of the most central part of the standard ES3 (ECMAScript 3), this standard defines a JavaScript some of the core functions, and can be backward compatible with some older browsers, before he even shows The JavaScript page, still be Nike Basketball able to perform on the latest Firefox, Brendan Eich said proudly, JavaScript compatibility is very good. The ES6 is JavaScript now Air Jordan 14 Retro 2015 standard, a greater grammatical and conceptual changes to the previous version, he also mentioned that after a year will use ES7 standards, ES8 the standard is expected to be completed in 2017. And there are some public opinion believes that Microsoft's recent support JavaScript actively promote open source development language TypeScript, the intention behind it is to influence the development of a strong standard ES7, Brendan Eich said he did not think so, because the ES standard can not be a single organization manipulation, and Microsoft got the father of C # surgeon TypeScript, he felt that Microsoft really wants to be involved. There are more players to improve is a good thing. Microsoft is now evident with the past is not the same, Brendan Eich believe that the recent moves frequently in the open source Microsoft is playing for real, because open source is the trend, but he also felt within this organization with Microsoft generational and cultural change have a great relationship.