"Get The Academy (The Academy Series)

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FROM THE PLAYGROUND TO THE PREMIER LEAGUEAn inspiring, page-turning series perfect for young readers 8 to 13 years old, and for sports fans of all ages. Born and raised in a small town, Leo K. Doyle has never seen the ocean or stepped foot on a plane. But Leo is a star soccer player with big dreams in life.Rock-star, Olympic gold, dragon-slaying dreams.While Leo has a pet lizard named Messi and longs to make the pros one day, he has no idea how to achieve his goal&#8212until a professional scout pays a chance visit to one of Leo&#8217s games and extends an invitation to try out for the London Dragons youth squad, known as The Academy.Leo is stunned. The London Dragons isn&#8217t just any old soccer team. It&#8217s a world-famous English Premier League team.Soon Leo is off to a whole new country, embarking on the greatest adventure of his life. The downside? Only eleven players can make the team.Eleven out of two hundred of the very best youth players on the planet.Along with the 