Without a doubt, escape rooms are both challenging and fun. They combine these two characteristics in a peculiar way. Escape rooms in Edmonton represent an easy way to work together on challenging tasks in a playful way. But there's more to it. There are interesting use cases such as team building.

Who are escape rooms for?

Basically everyone can take part in live escape rooms. They are for friends, families, colleagues from work and pretty much any group of people you can hang out with. All people who seek entertainment will find escape rooms satisfying, without a doubt. The game does not require any special skills. To win, it takes thinking outside the box rather than applying specific knowledge.

Escape rooms for team building

Escape rooms are successfully used for team building. Essentially, it is the practice of working together under pressure in a fictional, imaginary scenario. This undoubtedly translates into real life, as research shows. When a bunch of teammates are locked in a locker room, they will have to cooperate and collaborate to find the way out. All this contributes to team building, fosters bonding. The great benefit of escape rooms is that people will have to collaborate even if the given team is particularly averse to it. Exactly what proper team building is all about.

Situated in Edmonton and Calgary, Canada, Escape Hour is a particularly suitable place for team building.

People speak out

What do people who tried escape rooms typically say? Well, most of them admit that it was very fun and a really great experience. People who played escape rooms also notice that it plays best when there are a lot of people in the same quest room. The more people, the better. Escape rooms are clearly perceived as a very fun experience. People often recommend them to their friends and subscribers on social media.

Where are the best escape rooms?

Canadian Escape Hour is a great place to get familiar with escape rooms. It offers a line of exceptionally well designed games, locker rooms and quest rooms of varying difficulty. This is a perfect group activity for colleagues and friends. A few hours spent at Escape Hour can create a bunch of long-lasting memories. Each room is unique, atmospheric and professionally designed. All of them vary by difficulty and by theme. There's a game master who can intervene during the game and provide a clue. Escape Hour is located in Calgary and Edmonton.