【Translation of below post】

Is Japan a country of women discrimination (as spread by Korean, Chinese origin operatives) ? Isn't it the forcing the misjudge ? 

Japanese women are good at manipulating their husbands wisely from behind. 
After all, it is the woman who finally takes control of the house. 
The purse string (controlling money of house) is also held by female. 
Japan is probably the only country like that. 

In my opinion, countries that do not give money to women have the greatest abuse of women.

 Perhaps Western women want to work outside because their husband is holding a purse string and they can't have the money to free.

Many Japanese wives are smart and good at getting around. They don't quarrel and claim their rights in squeky vulgar way.
 (This squeaky vulgar way is like Korean, Chinese way, isn't it?) 

However, Japanese wives firmly protect their rights and territories. 
There are many talented women who manipulate men from behind. 
Gently remind husband and stab the end! 

Before, I heared white men talked behindly “ I've heard that despite Japanese women have such a cute and quiet face, when they get married, they don't allow husband to spend all salary and give only allowance ! It's so scary." 
It seems that it was quite a shock to them (laughs) 

I think this is also one of the division work by Chinese stratdgy the “Ultra-limited battle“. 

They agitate using word "racism" and divides foreigners, Okinawan and Hokkaido people from Japanese people living in Honshu. 
They agitate "discrimination against women" and divides men and women.

In this way, while division works by operatives, they are militarily taking over the Senkaku, Okinawa, Hokkidaido, threatening Japan, and aiming to invade from the inside ! 

It's better not to get caught in their tricks. 

The enemy hates the Japanese people to unite inside and outside.

Anti-Japanese left-wing feminists should go to Islamic countries if they want to sue for women right. 

Because there are FGM and terrible systems (part of Africa / Arabia Peninsula). 
At the age of 12 to 15, girls are forced to married to a distant old man (the poorer she is, marry to the older for money). A woman is bad even if she is raped. 
The man is acquitted and the woman is sentenced to death. Because it is a woman who seduces a man. 

But, women in Islamic countries aren't as unhappy as they are said by Westerners. 

Though circumcision is bad, but they don't have to take on the heavy responsibility of their jobs and desperately manage and study money so they don't have to worry about it in a competitive world. 

The women enjoyed drinking tea, eating sweets and raising their children leisurely, and doing manicure and henna. 
I saw a rich oil-producing country, so country of the lack of money  might be more miserable (the image is Turkey, so the Gulf countries are not so free).