Do the contents of the bag look like samgyeopsal?


Is it cheap like samgyeopsal?

Yes, it's a giant ass bag for a few dollars.

Now look at the label. Does it say samgyeopsal?

No, it says Canadian bacon.

Are we going to have until another day to enjoy samgyeopsal goodness?

Fuck no, I'll just prepare it the same way and pretend.


So I fry it up. It looks the same when cooked (grey-brown, not red like bacon). I dip it in the salt/pepper/sesame oil mixture like usual and it… tastes exactly the same. Which leads me to ask: Did I find a comparable, less fatty (Canadian bacon’s the less fatty one right?) replacement for samgyeopsal? Or are the Japanese really confused when it comes to varieties of meat? Or am I the one that’s confused? Maybe dipping fried meat in sesame oil is just a win combination not matter what…?




I tried to make garlic and olive oil spaghetti yesterday. It was really, really, really bad. Just because you like garlic, doesn’t mean you’ll like your pasta drowned in it. My kitchen smells and I will make a horrible waifu indeed.

Erika Travels Japan-foodporn

Also, this is food porn. Yessssssssss.

It's taken me about two weeks before I finally got around to making a blog. This is in spite of the fact that the UW specifically wanted me to keep a detailed blog from the beginning, since I'm the first UW student to attend Gakushuin. Oh well~ I'll still make posts for my earlier days and just backdate them so I can pretend I didn't slack off in the first place! (^ε^)

So, yeah, this is my Japan blog. If all goes according to plan (i.e. Japan doesn't kick me out after my internships) I'll be here for around 9 months.
