ELIZA's English Letters From USA☆


本かお文字IN USA本

ELIZA’s English Letters From USA☆-smile






|-) happy Oriental

8-> just happy

:-#) happy with a mustache

>:-> happy with a crew cut

:^) happy profile

:^)# happy with a beard

:^)## happy with a long beard

8^#)# happy with a beard and mustache

8^| grim

8^( sad

:-) Smiling, happy face; don't take me too seriously

B-) Above, but poster wears glasses or sunglasses

8-) Same as previous; also used to denote wide-eyed look

#:-) :-) done by someone with sort of matted hair

:-( Sad or angry face

@= Flame about nuclear war, power or weapons follows (mushroom cloud)

;-) Winking happy face (something said tongue-in-cheek)

:-P Tongue stuck out

:-b Same as previous

:-D Wider happy face (or mouth open too much)

:-o "Oh, nooooooo!" (a la Mr. Bill)

#:-o Same as previous

(:-) Messages dealing with bicycle helmets

<:-) Dumb questions

oo "Somebody's head-lights are on" messages

O>-<|= Messages of interest to women

;-) Wink ( take this message with a grain of salt)

|-( Late night messages

:^) Messages teasing people about their noses

:-{#} Messages teasing people about their braces

(:-# Message concerning something that shouldn't have been said...

(:-$ Message indicating person is ill...

(:-& Message indicating person is angry...

(:-* Kiss...

(:-( Message indicating person is VERY sad...

(:^( Message concerning people with broken noses

(:<) Message concerning blabber mouths

:-(=) Message about people with big teeth.

&:-) Message from a person with curly hair

@:-) Message from a person with wavy hair

?-( Message about people with a black eye.

*:* Message about fuzzy things

*:** Message about fuzzy people with a fuzzy mustache

%-) Message about people with broken glasses

+<:-| Message from a monk/nun...

{0-) Message from cyclops...

(:-D Message concerning another blabber mouth...

(:-|K- Formal message.

B-) Message from Batman !!!

...---... S.O.S.

@%&$%& You know what that means...

||*( Handshake offered

||*) Handshake accepted

<&&> Message concerning rubber chickens

>< >< Message about/to someone wearing argyle socks

2B|^2B Message about Shakespeare

(-_-) Secret smile

<{:-)} Message in a bottle...

<:-)<<| Message from a space rocket...

(:-... Heart-breaking message...

<<<<(:-) Message from a hat sales-man...

(O--< A fishy message...

(8-) Message from a four-eye...

(:>-< Message from a thief: hands up!

<I==I) A message on four wheels

:^{ User wears a mustache.

{ User is Alfred Hitchcock.

@>--->---- A rose.

:-)  the normal smiling face, appended to a sentence or an article
means 'this is a joke' or 'this is supposed to make you laugh'

:-> normal smiling face with deformed lips, same as above except
person who submitted it has problems with their lips

:-{) normal smiling face with a moustache, same as #1 except
submitter has moustache

:-} normal smiling face with pretty lips, same as #1 except
person that submitted it is wearing lipstick or some other
lip appearance improving device

:-| no expression face, 'that comment doesn't phase me'

:-( sad face, 'that comment makes me sad [mad]'

;-) smiling face gets his lights punched out (could be pirate
smiling face??), submitter is a practical joker who played
one too many and got beat up

;-| no expression face gets his lights punched out, says nothing
but still gets beat up

;-( sad face gets his lights punched out, sad or mad and got
beat up, or 'that makes me so mad that if I ever
see you I'll punch your lights out'

:-\ popeye smiling face, for people who look like popeye

;-\ popeye gets his lights punched out

:-] biting sarcasm smiling face, used when sarcasm is intended,
since we cannot inflect our voice over the net

:-[ biting criticism smiling face, ditto for criticism

:*) drunk smiling face, for those of us who like get intoxicated
before or while reading netnews

:~) smiling face needs a nosejob, no explanation necessary

:-)  yer standard smiley face

:->     same

:^)        alternate nose...

:-(  yer standard frowning face

:-<     same

:-(*)    submitter is sick of recent netnews and is about to vomit

:-o    submitter is shocked / submitter is Mr. Bill

~ :-(  submitter is particularly angry

8-) submitter wears glasses

B-) submitter wears sunglasses

[:|]       submitter is a robot (or other appropriate AI project)

:>)       submitter has a big nose

:<|      submitter attends an Ivy League school

:%)% submitter has acne

=:-) submitter is a hosehead

:-)8 submitter is well dressed

8:-) submitter is a little girl

:-)-}8 submitter is a big girl

%-) submitter is cross-eyed

#-) submitter partied all night

:-* submitter just ate a sour pickle

-:-) submitter sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T

:-'| submitter has a cold

:-R submitter has the flu

:-)' submitter tends to drool

':-) submitter accidentally shaved off one of his eyebrows this morning

0-) submitter wearing scuba mask

P-) submitter is getting fresh

|-) submitter is falling asleep (or is chinese)

.-) submitter has one eye

:=) submitter has two noses

:-D submitter talks too much

O:-) smiley face with halo- submitter is acting very innocent

:-{) submitter has moustache

:-)} submitter has goatee/beard

:-d~ submitter smokes heavily

Q:-) submitter is a new grad

(-: submitter is Australian

M:-) submitter is saluting (symbol of respect)

:-P submitter is sticking out tongue (symbol of disrespect)


8:] submitter is a gorilla

8) submitter is a frog

B) submitter is a frog who is wearing sunglasses

8P submitter is a bullfrog and it's mating season

8b ditto

|) submitter is a salamander

 :8) submitter is a pig

3:-o submitter is a cow

:3-< submitter is a dog

pp# submitter is a cow

pq`#' submitter is a bull

}. submitter is an elephant


+O:-) submitter is the pope.

C=:-) submitter is the Galloping Gourmet

=):-) submitter is Uncle Sam

=|:-) submitter is Abe Lincoln

4:-) submitter is George Washington

5:-) submitter is Elvis Presley

7:-) submitter is Fred Flintstone

- submitter is Helen Keller

:/7) submitter is Cyrano de Bergerac

>:*) submitter is Bozo the Clown

#:o+= submitter is Betty Boop

_:^) submitter is an Indian

>>-O-> submitter is Gen. Custer

8(:-) submitter is Walt Disney

>:^( submitter is a headhunter (Amazon style)

-=#:-) submitter has wizard status

(: (=| submitter is going to be a ghost for Halloween...

=:-H submitter plays for NFL

(V)=| submitter is a pacman champion

M-),:X),:-M sumbitter sees no evil, hears no evil, speaks no evil

C):-O submitter is a barbershop quartet

以上、ご参考にドキドキBY ELIZA

スラング辞典 Z~数字・その他














スラング辞典 U~Y





oh yeah

✪up yours


✪vanila ice








✪What garbage!
(ゴミ箱行きくらい)くだらない !

✪What a fuck !

✪What' a hell !

✪what's going on?

✪What's up?

どうでもいい、くだらない、whatever! 知ったこっちゃないわ!



✪white reg



ex 元彼、♂はmy bitchと呼ぶ



✪you are history



「もう死んでる 」みたいに使う、など

✪you bet
もちろん 、賛同

✪you know I'm sayin'
言ってることわかる?you know what I am saying(mean) ?

✪you suck!

