History of Queen's House | All about Greenwich

All about Greenwich

Finding the longitude

 The Queen's House was commissioned by Anne, the wife of James I (reigned 1603–25). James was often at the Tudor Palace of Greenwich.There now stands the Old Royal Naval College.

All about Greenwich

 It was important residence for the early Stuart dynasty. It was said that he gave the manor of Greenwich to Anne. Since then, she spent her precious vacation time at Greewich to enjoy her leisure time.
All about Greenwich

 In 1805, George III granted the Queen's House to Royal Naval Asylum, which is a charity for caring and educating the orphan children of seamen. This Royal school moved to Greenwich from Paddington.

All about Greenwich

Children playing in the ground at Greenwich

 Since 2001, the House has been reorganised to a showcase of the Museum's finest art collections, including contemporary work. If you visit here, you would steep yourself in the old royal family's graceful moment.