All about Greenwich

All about Greenwich

Finding the longitude




 Most world heritages are filled with tourists coming from foreign countries. For example, Palace of Versailles is sometimes very crowded.
All about Greenwich
 However, Greenwich is a rare place which the citizens of England also visit daily and easily though it is a world heritage. For example, Events for the citizens, such as a marathon race,is held. Greenwich is more familiar to us than you imagine.

All about Greenwich

 Greenwich is a very important place in terms of both history and geography. It symbolizes long history of a naval power, England. It has served the standard of the longitude, the prime meridian, which tells voyagers their position.
 It is located on the prime meridian, so we can say that Greenwich is the center of the world in a certain sense.

All about Greenwich
Shouting Love At The Center Of The World (2004)

 There is a famous market, Greenwich market. It dates from 1700. The market is part of "the Island site", bounded by College Approach, Greenwich Church Street, King William Walk and Nelson Road, near the National Maritime Museum and the Royal Observatory.

 There is various food around the world. Greenwich Market trades five days a week, being closed on Monday and Tuesday, but restaurants remain open seven days a week. Wednesday is a food market day!!
All about Greenwich All about Greenwich

All about Greenwich All about Greenwich

 Actually, Greenwich Astoronomical Observatory is located in Greenwich Park. Whole Greenwich park is registered as a World Heritage Site.The park stretches along a hillside.Roughly in the centre, on the top of the hill, is the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. the National Maritime Museum and Queen's House is to the north.

 You can see what is peculiar to the London.Of course, you can see a double-decker bus. You can also see pretty animals, such as pigeons and squirrels.
All about Greenwich All about Greenwich

All about Greenwich

 There are some ways to go there.

・Get off a ship at Greenwich Pier.

All about Greenwich
・Get off Docklands Light Railway at Cutty Sark.

All about Greenwich

・Get off National Rail at Greenwich
・Take a Bus

 I recommend that you should go there by ship.This is because you can see beautiful scenery and have a good time.

*Jellied eels bred in the Thames…. It looks revolting. ガーン

All about Greenwich

 “GMT” is the shorted form of “Greenwich Mean Time”. It is a time system originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, which later became adopted as the global time standard.

 In fact, “Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)” is the global time standard now. UTC is based on Atomic clocks. UTC is more accurate than GMT, so UTC has replaced GMT as the global time standard.
All about Greenwich-どらえもん

 Longitude is the lines on a map or a globe that run from north to south. It is a geographic coordinate that specifies the east-west position of a point on the Earth's surface.By convention, one of these, the Prime Meridian, which passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, England, establishes the position of zero degrees longitude.

 Let's know how to express longitude.For example, Akasi is located at one hundred thirty five dgrees of east longitude.

All about Greenwich-明石

 Greenwich Astronomical Observatory finished its own role as an observatory.
All about Greenwich-ジョー

I have used all my energy yet… I have just finished my own role.

『Tomorrow's Joe(1973)』 

 It is a part of the national Maritime Museum now. A lot of novel things are displayed there. For instance, there are John Harrison's prize-winning longitude marine chronometer. There are heritages about the history of precision timekeeping for navigational and astronomical purposes, including the mid 20th century Russian-made F.M. Fedchenko clock. It is also home to the 28-inch Grubb refracting telescope of 1893, the largest of its kind in the UK. The Shepherd Clock outside the observatory gate is an early example of an electric slave clock.

 In February 2005, construction work began on a £15 million redevelopment project to provide a new planetarium and additional display galleries and educational facilities. The 120 seat Peter Harrison Planetarium officially opened on 25 May 2007.