1. Github
  2. Git Bash Tutorial


Git supports auto-completion when used via the terminal, which includes all basic commands such as git status or git checkout as well as local and remote branch names etc. It comes pre-installed on Ubuntu, but a few simple steps (bellow) have to be followed to get it working on Mac.

Git Bash Tutorial

• Open up your terminal app • Go to your home folder cd ~ • Download git completion source file from the official git repo curl -O Note: if this link goes dead, just google for the file name git-completion.bash and you should be able to find the updated link. • Open your ~/.bash_profile file (on Mac) or ~/.bashrc file (on other platforms) with your favorite text editor. Vim ~/.bash_profile • Add the following line at the bottom of the file source ~/git-completion.bash and save the file.

• Close and re-open your terminal or run. ~/.bash_profile to re-load your setting. • You should now have working git autocompletion in your terminal shell. I initially learned this tip from, which I highly recommend to any new or intermediate Git users.

To communicate with the remote Git repository in your Beanstalk account from your Mac, you will need to generate an SSH key pair for that computer. This process requires only a few steps, and all of the tools necessary are included on your Mac. Add Git Branch Name to Terminal Prompt (Mac) By Cael Kay-Jackson on 29 September, 2011. When in a repository directory you can show the name of the currently checked out Git branch in the prompt, making it easier to track where you are (and where you're about to commit).