Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays To All!

As the days are soon approaching the end of the yearクラッカー. It is almost time to say goodbye to 2014しょぼん and hello to 2015べーっだ!. And of course this will be my last blog for the year. I do hope that each one of you will have a wonderful time during your holidays with whatever your choices are.

As for me, I will head back to good ol' Texas for a few days to tidy up on some loose obligations but will return back and celebrate what Japan has to offer. I am still contimplating as to what that will be but I'm sure it will have some alcohol and merryment..

As 2015 is around the corner, what might be your "New Years Resolutionひらめき電球? Anything that you can promise yourself to do for 365 days? I'm sure under your breath you are thinking to better your skills in English ( how many times I have heard this from my studentsシラー)? Or perhaps something less challenging? maybe go on a diet? Exercise? Join a cult? LOL!!!! Whatever it is, I hope that it gives you a better outlook on life. As for myself, not so much as to improve myself physically, even though I am a bit overweight., but to continue to accept the things that I can not change, challenge what is put forth in front of me, and to make choices that not only makes others content but most importantly to make myself content.

But here is a funny quote that you can share amongst your friends that might have them guessing or laughing or both at the same time. It goes like this: My goal for 2015 is to accomplish the goals of 2014 which I should have done in 2013 because I made a promise in 2012 and planned in 2011. LOL!

What about Christmas? Your usual KFC 6 piece crispy and mashed potato's with cream corn and a big glass of Coca Cola? And throw in a strawberry white cake for dessert? Change a little, give KFC employees a break and make yourself a peanut butter sandwich, a bag of chips and a big glass of Coca Cola. Thinking about a gift for your loved one? Can't decide on the usual chocolates? Flowers? Gift card? Don't fret, gift giving is getting to commercialised. Just think this way: As you grow older, your Christmas list gets shorter, because the things you want can't be bought.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Years and have a great Happy Holiday and may each of you have a great time wherever you are.

Until next year! Take it easy,


Konnichiwa Boys and Girls,

Hope everyone is keeping healthy and wise through this cooler season, since winter seems to be creeping up on us. I nice cup of hot chocolate? Amazake? Hot wine?

Time to pull out your mufflers, gloves and heat-Tech too! That reminds me, got to swing by Uni-Qlo to pick up the newest fashionable Heat-Tech merchandise. Decisions, decisions.

Well it's a Friday! TGIF! But for me it in't much to celebrate since this weekend is all work. But for you boys and girls, I'm sure you have something planned since most of you have a 3 day holiday.

So as always, here's an updated weekly plan of adventures that might interest you.

Saturday 22nd

Tori No Ichi

Head out to Fuchu's Okunitama Shrine and enjoy the celebrations.

Kushi Kushi Battle in Koenji

A great hang out if you like discounted skewers of yakitori, yakiton and kushikatsu along with vegetarian and other sweet options. Located inside the Hikawa Shrine grounds.

Autumn Leaves Festival

Don't miss out on this place!!!! Highly recommended. The ginkgo and maple leaves turn beautifully yellow and red at Showa Kinen Park with a 300-meter stretch of ginkgo trees.

Shibuya Camp

Combine fun urban camping and learning about life and death in Yoyogi Park, the site of this one-night survival experience intended to educate Tokyoites on what to do in case of a major natural disaster.

Ok boys and girls, got to get back to work. Hope you can join one of these events. Stay healthy, warm and happy.

Later, Paul

Hey there everyone!

Anyone miss my rambling (talking)? Well the weekend is upon us again and also the end of the year is approaching. What are your plans for the end of the year? Bonennkai? Hangovers? Praying to the porcelain God ( toilet). Well to keep the tradition rolling, I'm sure there will be many to attend. For me, ZERO... not accustomed to drinking for hours on end.

Change of news.... Oh yeah! My youngest daughter came to Japan last Monday and will be leaving tomorrow back to Good Ol' Texas. She came for a competition/demonstration of martial arts fighting styles. She is currently a new blackbelt and competed with 14 international womens team contenders. Her team placed in 4th place. I'm so proud of her. Her first time in Japan and of course it was Disney Sea and Harajuku ( she is 15). A lot of showing her the differences of Texas and Japan, a whole new world to her.

Ok, next......... this months weekend adventures you might be interested in joining.

Nov.29th-30th Spanish Festival in Yoyogi Koen

You like Spanish food? Speaking Spanish or Spanish music? How about taco's, nacho's and other related food. How about tequila? Corona? Hmmmmmm....... I'll be there!

Nov.29th-30th Tokyo Vegefood Festa 2014 in Yoyogi Koen

You don't like meat? Chicken? Pork? Well this is the place to come to. Over 100 food stalls to wet your appetite.

Alright Ya'll, until next time, Be safe, play safe and enjoy your weekend and ramble with ya next time.

Take it easy, Paul