One of the most common questions I get about the topic of advanced male chastity is about how desirable is it to have a chastity piercing, such as a Prince Albert, to ensure the security of the device.


The thinking behind it is fairly straightforward: many of the more secure, serious, and thus expensive chastity devices require the man to have a piercing in his penis so the chastity device can be locked into place properly.

Probably the most common combination is a Prince Albert piercing (where the securing pin enters the penis through a hole in the underside of the head and exits through the urethra), but there are devices compatible with frenum and ampallang piercings, too.

So, this raises a couple of questions.

First, why would anyone do this?

Well, the answer to this is simple: it makes the devices much more secure.

Most chastity devices - even full belts - can be escaped by a man who's determined to do so, provided he uses enough lubrication and can endure a little pain.

It's possible there are some devices for which this isn't true but I've yet to come across one.

But a device secured with a piercing is as secure a chastity device as you're ever going to get, simply because the penis is held prisoner with a metal pin actually passing through the flesh.

And the devices' design means there's no way to remove the device without removing the pin first, unless you're willing to tear your own flesh (very few men would want to do this, I'm sure).

And for men serious about long-term and permanent chastity, a secure device is part of the thrill.

There is something about being locked in a secure device that really does turn men on. The feeling of having no control of their own orgasms is intoxicating for them.

Just bear in mind: no chastity device is or ever can be 100% secure, meaning no man is ever kept in a chastity device against his will.

There's no doubt some devices are more secure than others, and it's likely many could only be removed or escaped from with the help of tools.

But the tools required are simple and most men probably have them already lying around in their garage. Moreover, removing the device would be perfectly safe, too, so long as he took care.

Even a device which uses a piercing pin to keep the penis secure can be removed simply by cutting the pin (which could be done simply and safely with a pair of tinsnips or wire-cutters, say).

The second reason for the piercing is that for many men and women it's symbolic - and this symbolism is very powerful.

In a large proportion of relationships where they practice male chastity, part of the dynamic is the woman "owns" the man's penis, or at least has all the "rights" concerning it.

In these cases having the penis pierced, whether the man really wants to have it done or not (bearing in mind he always has the choice in reality, and so it's just part of the game) is symbolic of the power-exchange.

Of course, you don't need to be pierced to enjoy chastity, and you don't even need a device.

The idea you do is just another myth propagated by various people who have their own agendas for wanting you to buy into their way of thinking.

My husband, John, was pierced but he never really settled into the device, so we took the piecing out and he currently wears a Lori #2C, which is designed for un-pierced men.

At present he is in long-term orgasm denial and the reason he doesn't escape is he doesn't want to.

Male chastity is really about two people who enjoy whatever dynamic they choose to implement and is just a case of becoming informed about safe, sane and sensible practices.

In 1974 President Gerald Ford lifted a forty year ban where it was illegal to own hoards of gold. This ban was put in place by Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.People were able to buy gold and trade gold as a commodity.

After the great depression is when this all happened. Foreign banks, who were afraid of the failing economy, were turning in their paper money in exchange for gold. This was depleting the gold supply in the U.S. Reserve. Up until then the United States had been on the gold standard. Many dollar bills, like the fifty, were printed with a yellow back which indicated it could be turned in for the gold rate.

The Executive Order 6102 made it illegal for anyone to own more than $100 worth of gold. Citizens had to turn in their gold in exchange for paper money. The gold coins were melted down into bars by the U.S. Treasury department. This was done to keep the U.S. dollar afloat and avoid panic in the overseas market. The tactic worked.

However, not everyone turned in their gold coins. There are still a few in private collections. These coins are considered a rare thing and extremely sought after by collectors and coin dealers everywhere. Certain $20 gold coins can range in value from $500 to over $20,000 depending on the marks and condition of the coin.

Gold is a timeless investment. The value has gone up considerably more and more over the years. Supply and demand law is the reason why. The mines are not producing enough gold to satisfy the demand. The prices were stable because the banks were selling their reserves. Now that they are holding on to the gold and the demand has increased, the prices are climbing. It is expected to peak at about $1,000 per troy ounce by mid summer of 2008.

The U.S. Treasury is producing the gold eagle coin. This 1 troy ounce coin has a face value of $50. This is enabling anyone who wants to invest in gold to do so. The coins are also available in the 1/2 ounce, 1/4 ounce, and 1/10 ounce varieties as well. Being able to invest in the gold market has finally become possible for the middle class. Many people are finding it worth the investment.

Investing in gold is a wise choice. Going up is the direction of the price. The demand is also growing. The ability to have it with you and easily transport it is a benefit. The fact that it is a tangible product that never loses value is the gold locators best reason to invest in gold. Now that the U.S. Treasury has made the coins available on the open market, anyone who ever thought of investing in gold can do so.