Counter-Archive: Film, the Everyday, and Albert Kahn's Archives de la Planète (Film and Culture Series) - Tucked away in a garden on the edge of Paris is a multimedia archive like no other: Albert Kahns Archives de la Plan232te (19081931) Kahns vast photocinematographic experiment preserved world memory through the privileged lens of everyday life, and CounterArchive situates this project in its biographic, intellectual, and cinematic contexts Tracing the archives key influences, such as the philosopher Henri Bergson, the geographer Jean Brunhes, and the biologist Jean Comandon, Paula Amad maps an alternative landscape of French cultural modernity in which vitalist philosophy crosspollinated with early film theory, documentary film with the avantgarde, cinematic models of temporality with the early Annales school of history, and films appropriation of the planet with human geography and colonial ideology At the heart of the book is an insightful meditation upon the transformed concept of the archive in the age of cinema and an innovative argument about films counterarchival challenge to history The first comprehensive study of Kahns films, CounterArchive also offers a vital historical perspective on debates involving archives, media, and memory