It's my lovely cat,Natsuko.
So cute !
It was fine.

I went for a drive along the coast.
The sun was strong.
I put on sunscreen but got tanned...

l went home after eating Sushi with my family.

Enjoyed !!

l went back to my parents' house with my husbund.

l had a good time.
Ihave checked the fortune-telling column,then the column said that you could get into trouble.

Are you serious?
For real?
Kidding me ?
Are you sure ?
Really ?
What ?

It became a reality...

I just got angry and trembled my anger.

I said frankly to him,who made irrelevant remarks.

You shouldn't make me say that!!!

Let's look back on the day.

I arrived at the office just in time.
I'll leave the house with time to spare so l'm not late.

I make my cold worse.
I want to recover from my cold.

See you tomorrow.

Today is my off day.

It was fine but cold.

(I turned on the heater...)

I did the housework and went to Shibuya to buy a dress and a skirt at H&M.

(so cute!)

My husbund travel on business to Hokkaido.

I miss him...