 “ Tips on how to remove a postage stamp ”


(1) 珍しい切手が貼ってある手紙をもらったり、まちがえて貼ってしまった切手を

ハガキや封筒から  はがす時は、やかんや鍋の湯から出る蒸気にあてるといい。
When you receive a letter with a rare postage stamp on it or when you put a stamp

on a postcardor an envelope by mistake, you can remove the stamp by placing it

over steam coming out of a kettle or a pot.


You can also dip it in water, but the return address on the envelope will smear unless
 you just cut the stamp out before dipping it.


(3) 切手どうしが、くっついてしまった場合は、ちょっと火にのせて、アイロンをかければ、

すぐはがれるん   だけど、でも、強くくっついてしまっているときなどは、やはり、

If two stamps are stuck together, heat them over a fire, iron them, and they will soon
peel off.  However, if they have stuck fast, it is best to dip them in water.


If the notches of the stamp are intact, you can reuse the stamp even if a piece of
a postcard or an envelope is stuck to the stamp.